It has been long enough

Look at all the threads that are active on this forum right now. Count how many you strongly disagree with that were started by “Retail” characters and how many were started by Classic characters.

Well I for one. Since the beginning of the new forums I have had issues. I started posting on my main Celindas and about a month in I logged on the forums and got “you have been logged out” message. Celindas was nowhere to be found when I tried to change characters. In fact only nine of my toons show up at all and it is random. So I started posting on this toon. Every once in awhile I get the "you have been logged out’ message and then I can post on Celindas again. I have submitted five bug reports and it has not changed.
I am not going to risk losing my forum standing just to make you happy that everyone is posting on a classic toon.

“Forum standing”

Really? lol

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Why ? Classic is a free addition to WoW subscription. So it’s normal that forum is not restricted.

well that might be true for you, but I think retail is a free game to the classic subscription. I came back and am paying my monthly sub for classic only.


It’s Bîtey.

Just to show I can post on classic toon.

It doesn’t matter for me if forum is restricted or not.

Just, I don’t see any valid argument behind.

It takes like 5H /played to get a lvl 10 toon anyway

well it does prove that you have or are playing classic. It is a valid argument against trolls that post on retail (not saying you) but have not played classic.

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Delusional, people would just post on lvl 1 classic characters. So will serve 0 purpose.

This toon has more posting privileges, it what I use as my forum toon

What difference does seeing my classic toon matter, it doesn’t work with armory

I do what I want, meow

Classic has no armory its so pointless cant even see the kind of player they are.

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I can see it, but usually trolls are pretty bad. As most retail only players have no clue what they are talking about and it goes in the “lost in time post “

I understand what you want, I just can’t see blizzard doing that.

Here, the most idiotic argument I could fine :

“ I pay wow subscription. And some parts of WoW subscription, which are free (eg classic) are not available to me (forum restricted). So, I effectively pay for something I’m not using and can’t profit. So, it’s a bundled/forced sell. I want a refund for the part of my subscription which goes to maintain classic forums”.

I KNOW it’s idiotic. But that’s how Microsoft was forced to refund Windows licenses with pre-installed PC/laptops. I don’t think Blizzard wants to manage it.

I agree with you in general, I just don’t see that happening.

I think you need level 10. I am not sure

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Who do you think you are? I actually post often on the original forums.
You don’t get to decide who I post on or where.

Your “forum standing”? Holy yikes. How many times have you actually posted a gif or a link that was actually constructive, that you couldn’t have simply used the </> tag for?

This just in: no one but the person posting cares a whit about their “standing”.

If anyone needs to “get over themselves” it is you, shnookums.

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Hard to believe this post is serious. lol


Not until forum priveleges are tied to your account instead of character.

Im not going to lose the ability to post links just because you’re butt hurt.

Edit: Also, you’re just using this as some handicap because you want to be able to ad-hominem people about their character.

If you cant fight or refute the argument, regardless of wether or not it is posted by a 120 or a 60 or a level 1, then you’re still losing the argument.

The character being used for posting is irrelevant.


Why? You haven’t earned your things here. You earned them contributing to retail forums.

Classic players want to live in there nice little untouchable bubble.

This but unironically.

What a delightful non-argument.

I actually dont post on the “retail” forums.

I DO post extensively in the Games, Gaming and Hardware off-topic forum.

And im not going to swap toons just to cater to a whiny twit.

Point stands: if you cant refute the argument, the toon im posting on isn’t going to make a difference.

All you want to do is be able to deride people and make ad-hominem attacks based on their toon.

So… bugger off, child.

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What’s to earn on the forums besides trust levels?

Do you really think someone’s opinion matters more or less based on their forum avatar?