It has been long enough

Jesus Christ , did you not see “the” after and

On the priority list of things we humans should be worried about, this request comes in as 2,098,450,984,235,243,372,345,924,523,452 out of 2,098,450,984,235,243,372,345,924,523,453.

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Oh come on! There aren’t that many things.

You what?
I what?

What they actually said is free for those with an active sub. It didn’t specify retail or classic because they see both as World of Warcraft. 0/10 troll

Here’s a few thoughts…

Judge a post by it’s content.

Stop focusing on this lizard brain tribalism where everyone has to be some extremist retail or classic supporter.

Deal with the fact that people might have opinions that differ from yours.

Yeah just log out and back in. Should fix it bud.

Also guys. I was just gonna say. I’m still in favor of classic avatars being able to post. It also wouldn’t be a switch. It should just do it automatically.

If you don’t have a 10+ character, then no posting for you. Pretty simple.

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Then get Blizzard to change how the forums work. Go ahead, we’ll wait. Until then, though, people will post however they please within the TOS.

Thank you, captain obvious.

It’s so obvious, why complain about it?

Dude, are you straight up trolling? The entire premise of this thread is to ask Blizzard to change the permissions of the forum.

And given how many people take the space in this very thread to comment on what a stupid idea they think that is, you are probably out of luck.

Why not evaluate the arguments based on their merits, rather than an icon that tells you whether or not to read them?

I am not here to convince trolls like you. The thread is here to ask blizzard to change their stance.

And you’ll be waiting.

Seriously dude, what is your agenda here? That bored of BFA?

Calling out anyone that is so uptight they want to be able to in-game dox someone for what they say about classic.

What’s your agenda? Why does this matter oh so much to you that you’ll spend (waste) time trying to get a policy changed here rather than going to any of places out there where you can construct a forum with rules of your own choosing and making your own forum?

I want to do what?

Gee, I don’t know, perhaps because this is the official forum for the game?

I don’t really agree. People should have the right to contribute and ask questions even if they haven’t started a classic character, yet.

Lets be serious, can you cite a single instance of the sort happening in the classic forum since the game’s release (just “asking questions” in good faith)? Unfortunately “contributing” in practice is what amounts to trolling.

They already have a L10 restriction and a requirement to have a subscription active in order to post on the WoW forums. Is it REALLY that much of a burden for those who want to chat about a specific game to have characters in that specific game?