It has been a year and devos is still bugged

Back button is right there, hun.
Don’t hurt yourself. o_O

Honestly why are you even resorting to trolling? Surely someone who is the right doesn’t need to lower themselves like that. Seems you do want an echo chamber after all. Good luck with that on a somewhat public forum.

Empathy is a skill.

Poor Luup has to avoid basic questions. Shame.

I don’t know how to tell you that no one owes you a “debate”

I never said anyone did. I just find it funny how when someone gave you some counter arguments you whined like a child and had to resort to name calling.

What name did I call you?

You claimed I was being disingenuous because I was providing counter arguments to your “issues”. I then asked why you think that way and you ignored it. You also claimed that I was finding ways to be “mad” intentionally.

inb4 you say that I should just get over it.

That’s… not name-calling.

I said you were being disingenuous because you came into a thread that was not a bug report, told me to put it in the bug report forums, and then when I pointed out something that doesn’t have to do with the archon, you were like “this doesn’t even have to do with the archon!”

You came in being unnecessarily aggressive and giving me “solutions” for a problem that I didn’t have in a very disingenuous way.

I’m not going to tell you to get over it because your emotions are your own to deal with. But I am going to tell you for the nth time that this is not a bug report, so your demand to post it there is kinda moot.

Except that it is kinda. The very first thing you claimed that was an issue could be a potential bug if latency is not the problem.

You can’t even recall your own points correctly. You complained about the first boss of SoA in a post complaining about Devos. I asked why you were pointing something out about a boss that does not involve the one you have a problem with and you said I was reaching to be mad about something. You are the one who came all aggressive at me because you didn’t like what I was saying. Even though the things I said were true. The Kyrians above the fight area are part of the achievement for the glory meta. I have never had any issue with them when throwing the spear. Blizzard had already moved the Archon back. So if you are still having a problem with her “blocking” your view, that is on you.

If they were not a problem why mention them in the first place?

Some people… just wanna talk.

Again, if they weren’t a problem why mention them AND claim that they were issues?

You seem to be having a bad day, hun.
Why not take a break, go have a cup of soup and a hot bath.

Why do you avoid questions? Are you a politician?

No, I’m a person on a “public forum” that doesn’t owe you an answer.
Go have a bath.

Seems sus. While true I just find it funny that you are moving the goal posts. First you claimed they were issues and I was being disingenuous for not agreeing with you on them. Now you are claiming they were not issues and you just wanted a talk? If you only want a talk, why get angry when someone didn’t agree with you?

Your bath water is getting cold :frowning:

Again with the trolling. Poor Luup has to lower themselves like that.

And yet you keep replying to the troll.
Bath is nice. I put lavender salts in it to lower your stress. Shhhh. Go have bath.

Thanks for admitting it. Trolling is a reportable offense.