It has been a year and devos is still bugged

Discussing something like this on the Raids and Dungeons forum can:

  • help people isolate patterns.
  • help people figure out or share workarounds.
  • collect a pool of people who’ve experienced the mechanic that frequent these forums, because it’s not like people generally tend to make a habit of randomly scrolling through bug forums just to find something to discuss.
  • discuss it in a place where they feel like discussing it.
  • collect information about an issue in a consolidated place before they file bug reports (since bug reports are more useful once you have all relevant information provided)

I don’t know why you’re trying to forum police, but you’re terrible at it.


This can also be done on the bug forums. With the added bonus of Blizzard actually looking at it. So what is your point exactly? It is like you guys do not want these problems to be fixed by posting them on the wrong forums.

Recommending that a BUG REPORT being moved to the BUG FORUMS = policing the forums now? You must be really fantastic because that is one hell of a stretch.

Did you even read what was typed?
Putting the thread on the bug report forums isn’t going to get the same responses from players on patterns, workarounds, or find as many people who’ve experienced it, because people who frequent this forum do not necessarily frequent bug report forums.

Recommending that a BUG REPORT being moved to the BUG FORUMS

This thread isn’t a bug report. Bug reports have already been made to Blizzard, some by the very people in this thread. People CAN separately report a bug there, and have separate discussion about it on these forums.

Side note: If you know the first thing about development, it’s almost certain that Blizzard most likely already has a bug ticket somewhere in their backlog on this. It’s not like posts on the bug report forums now are going to be their first glimpse to find out issues discussed in this thread exist.


Did you not read the title? The OP is clearly posting a bug report. Even listing issues they have found with the fight. Although some of which are not actually bugs, such as the Archon’s placement or the Kyrians above the fight area.

And yet you can’t even read a simple title.

And there are some who frequent the bug forums that do not frequent this forum. Which one is more helpful though? Actually reporting issues on the forum that was CREATED for that purpose, or some random forum that was not designed to be a bug report forum? The fact that you think it is the latter is making me laugh.

It’s almost like… I’m not posting a bug report?

mentioning frustration that something has remained bugged for a year =/= posting a bug report. this thread is more like “This whole dungeon has many design flaws that have not been addressed sufficiently” such as, idk, the archon’s wings still blocking player sight when the camera is zoomed out all the way.


Nah, you are just posting things that bug you instead. While acting like it is a bug report. Since you mentioned the whole “I hit Devos with spear and nothing happened”. Which would be an actual bug.

But I’ll leave you guys to your echo chamber.

Why are you directing the OP to go to the bug forums if they aren’t bugs? Should we clog it up with game related questions?

Yes??? That’s exactly what I’m doing??? That’s why I didnt put this in bug report???


While we are complaining about SoA, I get frustrated that I get 18-30 FPS in it, while I get 60 FPS nearly everywhere else. According to an old forum thread, Blizzard devs are aware of the art effect causing the issue (as of 9.0.5 the anima stream graphic has caused issues here and in other zones as well for certain Mac and PC users), but they are “unable” to correct it even though the same effect was not a problem in 9.0. I was excited to finally start doing mythics for the first time in WoW over the last couple months, and usually have to pass on this one, especially as a healer.

It’s possible that using inky black potion can fix the FPS issues you have in SOA. Worth a try anyway.

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In the dungeons and raids forum, you’re going to find people who do dungeons and raids, because no one else has a reason to frequent the forums.

In the bug report forum, you may find a some random people, many of whom have nothing to do with dungeons or raids, and many of whom are only there to post their own bug report and never come back.

I have zero idea why you’d think you’d find more helpful people in the Bug Report forums. I heavily doubt there are that many players who just randomly peruse the Bug Report forum in the first place.

Did you not read the title? The OP is clearly posting a bug report.

Chucking at this, especially after OP has now confirmed you’re terrible at reading minds/intent of forum posters.

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And yet you have an actual bug to report in your OP. Seems you missed that part when I pointed it out. Also it is extremely funny how you clowns say you want a “discussion” but when someone like myself provides some counter points, you say that I’m a rude disingenuous dick that should be removed. Hence why I said you wanted an echo chamber. Everything since then has only proven that point. Seems a mirror needs to placed in front of your faces.

You are right, this isn’t a bug report. This is a rant because you are terrible at a game. Anyone who points that out is hounded by your gang of thugs. And yet I’m the disingenuous one. You still haven’t said why you called me disingenuous in the first place.

So then why do they state an actual bug in the first part of their original post? If the spear hits but nothing happens, that is either a bug or the person throwing the spear has latency problems. If the latter isn’t true, then it is a bug. Luup has it out for me for some reason. That is why they claim it is not a bug report. (Even though part of it is). How thick are your skulls? I mean Luup even said they were pointing out issues. Issues can be considered bugs. Although some of them are not really issues. Just excuses on Luups part.

Nope, nothing new to report. It’s already been reported before.
I’m just annoyed that it’s been bugged for a year and expressing that.

It is still good to report it again. Shows that it is still an ongoing issue. Blizzard actually encourages people to do that (provided they keep it in the same thread). Even if it means necroing a thread on the bug forums. Whining about it on the Dungeon, Raid and Scenario forums isn’t going to get it fixed any time soon. Also nice to know that you once again ignored my question. Why are you afraid of answering it?

You really like to project intention onto other people’s posts, huh?

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Well considering that you snapped at someone (aka me) for providing actual reasons why some of your “issues” are not actually issues… yeah I can tell your post was a giant rant. The Kyrians that are part of the achievement have never caused me to miss the spear when throwing it at Devos. And Blizzard had already moved the Archon to the edge of the room at the rear. And your third “issue” doesn’t even involve the Devos encounter at all.

grabs you by the cheeks

Why are you so mad, my friend?


why are you so mad? Whats the matter? Can’t aim a simple spear?

Luup: Here are some issues I have with the Devos encounter, lets discuss them"

Me: Some of these aren’t issues with the fight because of X, Y and Z

Luup: You disingenuous prick, get out of here. why you mad lol

Hun. Hun. You’re the one that came into this thread swinging fists. Your behaviour is… bizzare.

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Providing reasons why some of your “issues” aren’t really issues = swinging fists? Are you always this hostile to anyone who disagrees with you? Do you take any counter argument as an act of aggression?