It finally happened, freedom from pants!

Now we just need customizable briefs.


Burns pants!

:fire: :jeans: :fire:


There are a lot of tmogs that are open now, with the pants be gone option. Cant wait.


Where’s my Homer Simpson “Don’t you hate pants” meme when I need it.


Great news!!

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This song seems oddly appropriate now.

This ones for you Metzen and Samwise. Love ya two, and I know you love these guys also. :slight_smile:

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Pants-less space floozies incoming in 3…2…1…

/moo :cow:

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This and player housing, the only 2 things we ever asked for :stuck_out_tongue:
Now we just need the awesome housing!


Now we need some undershirt mogs that look like bras and some legs options that look like underwear.

Would like to hide the demon hunter loin cloth sometimes. Not sure why their underwear are so much longer, unless more than just their eyes were affected by the fel. Perhaps something ‘fel’ down a bit.

Or wouldnthis be a barbershop option like the baldurs gate shave?

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i disagree save the pants!
:cloud_with_rain: :jeans: :sun_behind_rain_cloud:


Now its time for another OBVIOUS PR WIN, add optional tail customization for worgen… (you know instead of changing the post cap limit to 5,000 so you can get away with deleting the most player requested feature on the forums since high elves…)

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I shed a tear when I read it (or maybe it’s this spicy curry, whatever). This needs to come with the option to customize underwear like Dracthyr can and it’ll be perfect.

Wow MoP Remix must be tanking pretty hard for them to pull this PR builder out of the shed.


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Not the shave, but bring on the polka dot briefs.

idk i feel like this would work too.

My Pooh Bear mog can finally become a reality

Finally, those slit dress mogs aren’t ruined by not being a cloth user with access to those panty mogs


no pants dance

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