It’s too late for RDF

That’s the problem I have with your “make it exactly like it was” mentality. You’ll say things like this, as well as this:

Yet you’ll still refuse to entertain the thought of having future expansion QoL features implemented in older expansions. Those excellent dev teams started working on QoL features that end up in expansions due to the current expansion revealing problems they went on to solve or at least lessen the severity of.

The way I would have handled this project is by looking at QoL features from one expansion ahead and then getting player feedback through polls. Guild Banks should have been included in Classic Vanilla, and Dual Spec and RDF should have been included in Classic TBC.

If you’re going to cite quotes from original devs talking about how badly they wanted the feature in the game to justify the need for having it now, then I think you should accept what they’re saying and agree those QoL features should have been included in the Classic versions of the expansions those QoL features were being developed during. I’m only talking about QoL features by the way. Things that were changed because the original developers saw problems that needed to be solved.