It’s Time for PvE and PvP to Be Completely Separate in WoW

PvE and PvP are two entirely different experiences, and it’s time WoW treated them that way. Mixing the two systems creates endless frustration for players on both sides. PvP shouldn’t be influenced by PvE gear, rewards, or tuning, and vice versa.

PvP is about competitive skill, strategy, and quick decision making, while PvE focuses on teamwork, mechanics, and progression. Trying to balance both under one system often results in compromises that leave everyone dissatisfied. Abilities get nerfed or buffed for one mode, messing up the other, and players feel forced to engage in content they don’t enjoy just to stay relevant.

Why not fully separate the two? PvP could have its own progression, rewards, and balance tuning, completely independent of PvE. This would allow each mode to thrive on its own, rewarding players for excelling in their preferred area without impacting the other.

It’s time to acknowledge that PvE and PvP are fundamentally different and give both the attention and respect they deserve.


The descriptions you gave can work for both.


Sure, there’s some overlap between the two, but I think you’re missing the point. The core difference lies in the context and goals. PvP is fundamentally about competing against unpredictable, real players. it’s dynamic and constantly changing. PvE, on the other hand, is designed around set mechanics and progression through scripted challenges.

It’s not just about the surface level similarities I mentioned. The way these systems interact, how players approach them, and what makes them rewarding are completely different. That’s why trying to blend them ends up frustrating both sides.

So, is focusing on that one overlap all you got out of what I said?

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I’m going to let you in a little secret. PvP also has set mechanics and is very scripted too.

Anyways, I’m not convinced. Both work fine working within the same game, side by side.

And this is pretty much already true. PvE tuning does sometimes sneak its way into PvP tho.

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Who’s bald?

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settle down sombra knockoff

Wow, a Sombra knockoff? I’ll take that as a compliment. she’s all about hacking systems and exposing flaws, which is kind of what I’m doing here by pointing out how broken the PvP/PvE integration is. :wink: But seriously, let’s stay focused. Do you agree or disagree that these systems need better separation?

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I will die on this hill : Make PVP it’s own game and make it free to play. We don’t need progression, we need murders.


They effectively are.

OP, I appreciate the sentiment, but blizz will never do this because they don’t know how to, and they only want to do what’s easiest and most lucrative. The game being genuinely well designed is not the goal anymore.

There was a thread earlier this week or so where a newer player was asking what’s the best way to learn to PvP and the few specific answers were along the lines of “learn your PvE burst rotation.” Pretty much sums up why the PvP side of the game is so bad. Also, many people on the forums post from the perspective of always ‘playing with friends’ so they take for granted the advantage that gives when doing any mode of PvP. They’re entirely disconnected from the perspective of the average solo player in BGs.

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oh really? I thought we were far enough along this road that PVP is completely irrelevant and invisible to PVErs

and even to blizzard at this point :smiley:

Not sure i should say this as it will create controversy but ill say whats on my mind.
Both systems are ‘fine’ (its just a game lol), its the players that change the game with our ‘behaviors’.
And yes i do the wrong things as well, sorry.

I agree, and think it should benefit the PvE WoW as well. New player drawn in by this new PvP game might become interested in trying out the PvE side as well to learn more about the background setting and story.

If there is a strong revenue potential no doubt Blizz/Microsoft would jump onto it.

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Final Fantasy XIV did a great job when they chose to retool the jobs (classes there) for PVP. You basically get similar abilities but they work differently for PVP.

I agree that the health of PVP would be better, and much more manageable and easier to balance, if WoW followed a similar thing. Of course, a HUGE undertaking to do that for every spec, but worth it I guess, as long as they managed to maintain the same spec feel.

Imagine having your spec not affected by PVE balance anymore…


PvP scripted?

Please do tell.

I seem to recall expansions ago where gear worn certainly set you apart and you stood out (whether you were in pvp gear in LFR or pve gear in a random bg)…Mind you it wasn’t it in a bad way, but you def knew who was who back then and certainly multiple sets for different adventures.

To be honest - was kinda fun and unique.

I think he means pvp is scripted as predictable at high ratings, where everyone plays the same build, same rotations and stuff.

is this about pve trinkets or pve bosses in bgs?