It’s official, Wrath is on maintenance mode

I’ve already said why they don’t respond but clearly you just don’t care.

You do realize the subreddit is a bigger cesspool right? The moment they made the mana gem swap meme they patched it and ignored 99% of the other problems.

I don’t think your reasoning for why they don’t respond makes any sense, I don’t attribute feelings and emotions to corporations. They shouldn’t charge money for a product if they’re “scared” to give their paying customers update on it.

Even if people don’t like it or do like the changes, we as a paying customer base deserve to know the status of the project we’re investing time and money into.

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Garmuck when I read your posts I am reminded why the subreddit is far better


Do corporations have feelings? No.
Do the people behind the names have feelings? Yes.

Is it really that hard to understand that?

I’m not Garmuck, I already told you my main and the subreddit is not a better place than the forum because both places are genuinely garbage for feedback because Blizzard doesn’t care about feedback in the first place.

I’m just frustrated they go radio silent and then pop up every couple months with a dumb blue post that addresses nothing.

Garmuck stops posting 2 days later you appear and post the EXACT SAME THINGS. Since you arrived he hasnt been seen.

Both are hunters on grobb

Everyone sees it


Do these people charge me for a product? Yes.

Should they tell their paying customers the status of the game? Yes.

Idc what other logic you use, I want to know what’s happening in the development cycle and I want to be updated on bugs and issues that are causing lots of people to leave and complain.

You can’t just go radio silent and pop up every couple months to fix nothing, that’ll just get more people to leave.

Dude I think you genuinely have some weird obsession with this guy lmao, I told you my main and you can look up my logs too.

Garmuck isnt his ingame name

No… I told you my hunter’s name in the other thread. You literally told me that some other messaged you saying he’s Garmuck or w/e and I was telling you how since you keep his name alive 24/7 it’ll lead to people trying to say they are him.

Stop giving that troll clout, you’re keeping him rent free in your head.

I enjoy calling you out though. What will the next sockpuppet be when this one runs its course?

Lmao idk dude it’s like talking to a QAnon conspiracy theorist, I guess once people are convinced lizard people exist and they lose trust in reality it’s hard to bring them back down to a baseline.

Believe w/e you want homie, you know my in-game name and you know where to find me.

Yeah wait 10m and you’ll have a new post. Its easy to find you

Just like someone else :thinking:

Are the blues employees who are paid to do a job and not volunteers? Yes.

Is it really that hard to understand that?


It’s easy because I gave you my actual character name in the other thread, we’re literally on the same server lmao.

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Who cares. Play the game, or don’t.


Ever thought why they don’t communicate anymore?

As paying customers, many of us care. Fortunately for you, by us caring and demanding answers you’ll still have a game to play with issues to not care about.

Watching the man behind Hodir and his alts pay blizzard monthly for the sole purpose of being able to complain about wow classic on their official forums has gone from funny to just sad.


They’re aware of the bugs and hopefully they’re fixing it, do you need someone to say “we’re aware of X Y and Z bugs and are going to fix it” would that be enough communication for you?

As for their future plans you can look no further than the interveiws they’ve done.
The round table for WotLK announcement, the one with Scottyjay and… think that’s it actually. They don’t need to say what they’re going to be doing in a blue post because it’s already been said in an interveiw.

The fact that you’ve been on the forum so long that you think everyone who is complaining about the game is some alt of some random irrelevant troll speaks more volumes about you than it does about me, I literally refunded DF because I was not satisfied with the product. If I could refund my entire time I spent on Wrath so far, I would.