It’s official, Wrath is on maintenance mode

Jesus christ:

All of those blue posts fixed bugs no one cared about AFTER people already brought it up and nothing was done, they haven’t even addressed the main topics people are actually talking about.


They aren’t gonna tell anyone anything because whenever they do they’re shat on by everyone even though they’re the messenger. You wonder why Blizzard doesn’t communicate with us it’s for this reason. They update us on what Blizzard are going to do and there’s always people that say “when X, Y or Z”.

I’m sure that they used to be very open about when their plans were and when they were going to be added into the game but now that they get harassed at every turn it’s no wonder that they don’t say anything until it’s coming in like a week.

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And even when they do post people make false claims about them not posting. They can’t win no matter what. The op is one of the examples of the problem of people making stuff up to fit there narrative regardless of what blizzard dose.

Then why bother running a public forum, just close this place down and stop asking for feedback if you’re not even going to have the common decency to speak up on topics that are pressing matters for a lot of players.

The issues plaguing Wrath are things that are actively thinning out the player population as the days go by, it doesn’t matter how scared they are or how rude they think our response will be, they are taking our money for a service and not delivering a finished product.

The public fourm is for us players to talk to each other it’s not to talk to blizzard that has been publicly stated. They have outright mentioned they don’t read most of the fourms.

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They have also mentioned that the forums is the place to go to give feedback on the game, it’s funny how the company you defend contradicts itself in every other statement they make.

If they aren’t listening to forum feedback, then why are blue posts even posted here. They could literally just not even do that, there’s even a Blue megathread ASKING for feedback.

Sure they could, they could post better news.

Nonthan people pick apart and complain about that news or complain it’s not what they want.

Why tf are you afraid of people’s feedback when you’re charging people money for a product that you’re failing to deliver? Make it free then if you’re scared of the consequences of your inaction.


Blue posts are posted here to let us know what they want us to know.

Giving feedback dosent require that feedback to be read or even used.

The fourm is for feedback yes it’s the feedback dumping grounds.

There is no contradiction there.

Because Blizzard aren’t infallable, it’s so much easier to get the players to report bugs because there are far more players than there are devs. They don’t speak about hot button topics like LFD more than they have to because no matter their stance they’re gonna get some flack.

They’re adding LFD, no don’t LFD ruined WoW.
They’re not adding LFD, no don’t how can i group without it.

The main reason for the forum is because it’s a place for players helping players, it’s not that hard to grasp.

And what do you mean that they’re not delivering a finished product? In what way is the game unfinished?

What they’ve communicated so far is that they are sitting in their luxury yachts using our boost and sub money and haven’t bothered addressing anything actually demanding.

The blue posts we’ve gotten do NOT inspire confidence.

It’s literally not even designed for that, there is a specific section for player help yes but this forum has a blue megathread asking for opinions on the game yet all of gets ignored because people like you sit here and act like corporations have feelings.

Not only did they gut the entire leveling process by removing dungeon boosting/RDF, they sold a boost to profit off of it while allowing massive botting to go on to artificially inflate player numbers.

Their last 10 blue posts have no addressed any major bugs that STILL exist from the beta, and they have yet to address the community about RMT issues or even how dead Arena has become which also can be prevented by just changing rating required gear.

There are SO many ways they can fix this game and communicate and they FAIL to deliver on any of those issues.

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There won’t be a blue post on anything you want until they’ve fixed it so…

What fix? What are they working on? Are they even working on it? Where’s the ETA? Where’s the Developer tweets? He was so happy circlejerking about how good GDKPs are and how bad RDF was in April but fell off the face of the planet the rest of the year.

Where are the blue posts about the rest of the bugs? Why are there only blue posts every 1 - 2 months? Why does every blue post only fix a single bug? When will the rest be addressed?

If you’re not asking these questions then you’re not a customer, you’re an addict looking to get another hit of your WoW addiction so you’re willing to be abused and used for all you’re worth.

Real customers ask questions and want results.


This little tangent is just, wow. Yeah clearly you need to step away from the forums my man you’re getting way too worked up and aren’t thinking straight.

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Nah i’m just tired of people who don’t place accountability on the company, that’s all.

You can go on and leave now, this thread will continue for others to post about the many issues plaguing the game and how little they respond to any of it.


Actually there was a time when the blues engaged in actual back and forth with the playerbase. But then once of them had an epic meltdown on the forums and ruined it…


We won’t forget you Tserik.

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They should ignore these forums every chance they get. All it is is a cesspool of complaints from Garmuck here and a few others. Nothing productive happens here anymore. The subreddit is a better place for actual feedback. Any post here immediately gets littered with outlandish anger that doesnt offer anything meaningful