It’s not worth doing epics in alliance side

You know you can choose specific battlegrounds to join right? I don’t think because, there’s no blacklisting that alliance don’t want to try. Either way that’s a terrible excuse.

I think alliance has more casual player’s straight up, if my winrate on horde is above 50% and my alliance win rate is below 40%, I think you know which one i’ll be playing more regardless.

Do you get 65 conquest and 1k Azerite.

I disagree when I zone into Ashran immediately 3-5 people leave because it’s Ashran. Next everyone says we wish there was blacklisting but oh well what is the plan. We laugh and say lose like always. Then we say all kidding aside we attack Horde at flowers if we lose then lets just AFK in the base and lose fast so we can get another Que. That is the Alliance gameplan. That is why there is a problem.

The fact is this if there was blacklisting Ashran would never pop because no Alliance player in their right mind wouldn’t blacklist it. Again that is a big problem. So we need drastic balance changes and blacklisting again so these BG’s are fair and most importantly fun.

No Alliance is very VERY serious about PvP but the majority of us hates PvE. Like doesn’t want to do ANY PvE at all. Which obviously creates a gear gap situation for those that despise PvE and don’t suffer through it to gear up.

With that said Alliance is more serious about PvP than Horde its just the PvE getting in the way. Again another big problem of the expansion. Horde is always the big PvE raiding guilds and in order to gear for PvP many faction changed to Horde just to get PvE carries. Some faction change back after some don’t. I know Alliance players that hate PvE that have done this just to gear. We just want to PvP and take it very serious.

The day that PvE isn’t required for PvP is the day Alliance starts winning most of the time.

I think that has to do with a thinning alliance playerbase

The Alliance went Horde like I said to gear. If PvP vendors had the best gear for PvP there would be more Alliance and they would do far better but it still doesn’t change the fact these Epic BGs are atrocious design.

Yes epic bgs are terrible. It’s interesting because I used to really like them also. Especially AV. Now I don’t even bother with them.


Yea it’s hard to get past how bad they are. I am in a PvP guild and NO ONE in the guild does Epics. We do everything else but avoid Epic BGs like the plague. If PvP guilds want no part of Epic BGs I would hope the Devs say hmmmmm maybe this is our fault.

from my experiences in epics is that AV and IoC are close to 50/50 win ratio, WG is which team gets to defend wins, and Ashran is just favored for the Horde with the free 15% flower buff.

Horde players overstate this “imbalance” though you will see in past posts that I have not been against changes to the flag at Hangar.

I say overstate because the hangar strat really only emerges in later patches in each expansion as the vehicles start falling behind players. The other advantages exist regardless of gear levels.

Shadowlands PvP wish list - #11 by Bynir-dragonblight (click IoC here)

Epic BGs suffer from a lot of things. No one here is necessarily “wrong, or right”.

There are examples listed in this thread where players have encountered game bugs / errors, pacing issues, zone issues, imbalance issues, etc… These issues are what we all agree should be considered by the developers, and systems engineers for the Epic BG content; to make them better for everyone.

Yes, I think the Alliance have a hard time at the moment, but it’s not a clear reason. However, something that is plaguing the content more than anything for both sides is poor quality game development. There are still game breaking bugs in Epic BGs.

For example, sometimes when a player gets out of a Demolisher in the Epic BG Wintergrasp they are disconnected from the game. This will also happen in tanks / vehicles in the Epic BG Isle of Conquest. The DC bug will also happen when a player moves around from seat, to seat in a tank in those Epic BGs. Another issue is a graphic UI issue in the Epic BG Wintergrasp, there is still a “Reinforcements bar” at the top of the player’s screen that shows 300 Reinforcements for Alliance, and 300 Reinforcements for the Horde. Which would kind of be cool if it worked. However the counter does not work, nor does the functionality. The Reinforcements bars for both the Alliance, and Horde stay at 300 / 300 even though players, and NPCs in the Epic BG Wintergrasp have died. Thus, the game mechanic is clearly broken. If these features were developed by a student of mine (I teach programming) they would ultimately fail the class if they were not addressed (either fix them, or take out the broken features until they are fixed).

Like many others I have submitted bug report, after bug report. It’s been almost two years now, and the bugs still persist. Disconnecting bugs, UI / UX bugs and issues, sound errors, game errors / crashes, latency issues (laggy when 40 vs 40 on the game server - not the users client - except the new 25 player Ashran, that works fine now), etc…, etc…

Epic Battlegrounds have so much untapped potential it’s crazy! I for one just wish the teams at Blizzard would continue to test, and work on them like they do with the PvE dungeons, and PvE raids in the game. I’m sure the encounter team at Blizzard would have a field day fixing Epic BGs if they played them like we all do (I’m sure most of us here have played over 100+ Epic BGs).

Either way, I’ve decided to come back to Epic Battlegrounds these last few months (Alliance mainly) to farm Honor levels, and because even though the Epic BG content is rather rough, and hard to play due to this, or that I still find joy in them that I do not get from the other types of content in the game.

Cheers, and I hope to see you all on the battlefields! :crossed_swords:

Ah you mean like how AV starts tilting towards ally at end of expansion too when you can down the boss with 2 towers up and thus favoring the zerg strategy

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The concept is the same but AV does not swing in favour of the Alliance at any point because to get from point A to point Z on that map it is the same for both factions. It does not take Horde any longer than a couple of seconds to reach Aid Station than it takes for Alliance to reach Relief Hut. Zerg games are not an imbalance because the ease of mobs is something that impacts both factions.

edit: Besides - even if it was an advantage (and it’s not) - if this expansion has done anything right, it’s that the scaling of creatures in AV has meant +2 games are extremely rare. How often are you in a game that ended because a boss was killed with two towers up?

The bug is actually getting into the driver seat of a vehicle, ANY vehicle at all. That includes the base turrets in wg and the tower turrets in ioc. This also included vehicles in Strand of the Ancients before the bg was removed. The siege engine in ioc has a 100% disconnect rate when you switch from any seat to the driver seat.

Same in wg. Sometimes you dc when creating a vehicle. This has been happening since ioc and wg were new, so 10 years.

The reinforcements bar for wg has not once worked. That feature went live in a broken state. If it actually worked, most wg’s ending in a defense win would end before 30 minutes.

All of the above is a bit off topic but i don’t care. That has to be addressed.

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today has been a frustrating day with Alliance epics, kinda like watching 30 or so chickens with their heads cut off running around.

Stop queuing for them. Until horde complain the wait times are unrealistic, nothing will change. All you do is feed horde free wins.

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Eh, I won some yesterday. I even had a win streak where Alliance won 3 in a row. :slight_smile:. Must have just been a good afternoon (east coast time). The day before though, I played 5 games, and lost all of them. ./shrug :frowning:

On a side note; thanks for the information Governnator. I agree, these bugs need to be fixed asap for sure.

Did some as merc today and here are my results as i still stand by my statement from earlier

3 isle of conquests all 3 alliance wins
1 av alliance won
ashran horde won

4 out of 5 games ally won

lol erelor gets so angry when people show facts its actually amusing

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4 out of the 5 women in my immediate family are taller than their husbands, therefore women are taller than men. /s

Let us know what the percentages look like at 100 games played.

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Literally got out of a game with a player who had 48k hp. And the community was cool with it. No one on my team cared. Wtf

Curious if this is the sub 30 or 30+ honor level bracket. Based on a lot of the descriptions I see from people in this forum I have a feeling the lower honor level bracket has a higher win rate for Alliance.

My main account is honor level 812 so its above 30