It’s not worth doing epics in alliance side

Like the glaring imbalance in IOC ?

The only node which is good let’s the alliance get to it first and with a high ground advantage :cry:

I think they’re only relevant in terms of the fact that it splits us into two entirely separate brackets based on honor level.

My experiences in the lower bracket don’t reflect a lot of what people says is happening in epic BGs so I’m guessing they’re different in the other bracket. In the Ashran thread for example, people were talking about how Horde always go for song flowers, which is almost a complete non-issue in the lower honor level bracket. Alliance win Ashran a lot in that bracket and nobody even mentions the existence of the flowers.

Yea it’s the only Epic BG that I win as Alliance. So at least we have one. Obviously that isn’t a fix and all of them need massive balance.

I won every Ashran on my pally while I was Horde. It was boring since Alliance doesn’t even want to fight in there. They just want to blacklist it. I faction changed to Ally and I have NEVER won Ashran as Alliance like literally 0-20. It just unbearable in there as Alliance. I also just hate how much it is changed compared to WoD. It was actually fun then.

Plus we have horde arguing at the start that docks is viable strategy ?

Seriously how can you’ defend 250 k Glavies … the opposing team should be brain dead for you to win with docks

News to me just thought it was a meaningless number since they can’t give us vendors. Couldn’t even tell you what honor level I am. There is no reason for honor level to be used for queing.

Again let Alliance have 1 BG in their favor :rofl: I get Ashran I just leave right away of afk in the base with everyone else. Or I should say I did before I realized what a waste of time they are until Epics get DRASTIC balancing.

I just realized it recently when someone mentioned it in another thread. I’m curious why they chose that seemingly arbitrary split of the playerbase.

Yea it’s an irrelevant way to split something when there is already a participation problem.

Doesn’t matter if you are 30, 300 or 3,000 honor level.

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It might not be very pretty visually, but I’d love it if Blizz would give true perfect mirror maps a spin on a PTR or something.

Wintergrasp map layout is exactly the same for both sides, but Alliance has abysmal performance in there as well. It’s fairly common to get backfilled into in-progress WG losses when q’ing random Alliance epics.

Mostly a bad play issue from team blue.

For wintergrasp in particular the issue is how easy it is for a team to be starved for kills and how effective tanks are against players. Fixing that would probably go a long way to improve win ratios.

Tbh, honor grinding is easier as alliance just due to queue times and bonus honor. And mercs don’t get the bonus honor anymore.

Was mostly a Legion thing to put those who didn’t unlock honor talents until a certain prestige level. To forsake those actual new players now, and alts then.

Yep. I have always thought it’s basically a ‘pool of players’ imbalance issue. There are definitely some dumb horde playing epics though. :laughing:

Here’s my breakdown for the eBGs:

Ashran - Horde start-side favored, mainly due to star flower location. Alliance have a decent chance if they have good heals and rush the horde tower mage; however, that strat is dependent on horde being too dumb to defend in time (which I have seen happen).

AV - Horde start-side favored, mainly due to ‘areas of deterrence’ being generally easier to defend with fewer people, e.g. IB choke vs. SH polygon as well as tower design vs. bunker design. Although current gear power is helping alliance a bit more now than it did during early BfA, there is no reason a horde team with enough healers and a tank or two should lose AV unless they fail to backcap/defend.

IoC - Alliance start-side favored, mainly due to the hangar meta, and because alliance: 1) can get there faster and immediately have the higher ground, 2) upon securing the hangar can gun the northern hill path and hangar flag from the airship, and 3) whether from a bug or exploit, can continue to gun the area near the hangar flag from their parked airship, even after the horde claim/own the hangar.

WG - Defenders’ start-side favored. This map is a weird one because it doesn’t favor either faction. However, its poorly thought out design provides a clear advantage for Defense over Attacking, since for Defenders time is on their side. All the pressure is on Attackers to win the first big battle as soon they can so they can begin to attack the keep’s walls as quickly as possible with minimal risk of wasting time, losing towers (damage buff), and/or losing workshops (vehicle count).

15 WG’s and offense on every one guess how many I won? Zero

Yea the design is atrocious. Not to mention the cannons make me screeeeeeam!! I remember going to SR for the battle was at top to head off a few and use ranged. Cannon hit me? Why? Why is a cannon from the fort miles away hitting me at the main location for the first battle. These cannons need to only be defending the fort 60 yard range to attack other sieges not player.

Soon as I got hit by that cannon at that range I left. I said screw this BG never again. I am not getting long range bombed by a weapon that is supposed to destroy sieges. It shouldn’t be reaching a base or doing more than 5% of a players HP.

Reduce cannon range to 60 yards and damage to other players by 85% so there has to be PvP and people defending sieges and cannons. It’s insanely dumb as it is now. Worst designed BG of all time!! Like how can they think this is good or fun! Yikes to the design team fire them and start over.

There just isn’t much reason to do these trash Epics until we see some life from a BALANCE team. I rather they just remove them.

Also WG and Ashran shouldn’t be in the Epic Que would love for them to be restored to their former glory and be the fun battles they were. What would be nice is a new 40 man Epic but since they can’t balance the ones we got…NO THANKS!

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It’s the location of the first battle because the defenders want it to be. This specific problem is not blizz’s fault or bad map design, it’s the attackers and defenders running blindly into the same spot over and over thinking that both the attackers and defenders will win the fight, yet the defenders have several clear advantages. Don’t go sr then.

Since i have already told you this, i’m saying it again for everyone else’s benefit.

That cannon range shouldn’t reach a battle location from the fort. The fort cannons are to defend the fort not attack players at another location. The fort cannons should only reach 60 yards as defense for the fort. The damage to players should be reduced by 85% ontop of that.

Sieges should be used to strategically attack the fort and towers not opposing players. The team that has sieges should be shielding them and fighting over the locations for resources and to build and win the main objectives. Sieges shouldn’t be used to nuke players they need MASSIVE damage tuning. This BG is the worst design and has nothing to do with the decision of the players. It feels bad playing it until they balance it.

Until we get that balance it’s a big no in wanting to do it, or the other Epics. So enjoy the que times.

Brain dead Alliance can take Hangar and then 30 people run bombs. Leaves Glaives and Demos to freecast, game end quick.

Alliance rarely wins IOC as well. The only epic Alliance wins is WG if they are defending. And even that’s not a slam dunk. I’ve seem Horde win the SR first fight and roll demos straight in to east gate to win in under 6 minutes.

The problem is the population of this game is so huge that you’re more than likely going to get a bad group than good with how fast alliance queue’s are.

My win rate with this alliance toon is roughly 30-40% while my horde shaman (enhancement) i’m easily hitting 70% win rate, I honestly think horde want to win more and know the game inside and out better than alliance especially in battlegrounds and mythic+.

Of course the Horde want to win more… The Alliance doesn’t want to do half of these Epic BGs and AFK in them because of no blacklisting. The Horde is literally fighting someone that wants nothing to do with half these BGs. So it isn’t really even a fight.

The answer is bring back Blacklisting and actually do drastic balancing to the Epic BGs.

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