It’s not worth doing epics in alliance side

New and informative post I know. I think the drain from pvpers going to horde over the years has thinned the alliance pool. It’s sad to see and I’m not sure what blizzard can do to fix it honestly.


I’m not sure having a smaller population is the reason for it but yeah, it can’t be denied that being alliance in most of the epics is a pain.

I got a night elf all the way to 120, finished the entire war campaign, etc., and even got him more geared than my prior main before I decided that the faction isn’t for me for this reason alone. The queue times, bonus honor, war mode bonuses, and community were great but playing epic BG’s is one of my favorite things to do in the game and there isn’t any fun to be had there if you’re alliance.

Hopefully something is done about it. Until then, zug zug I guess. :roll_eyes:

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I guess the notion horde are better players annoys me. It’s nothing about being better. I’ve played with some awesome alliance pvpers. It’s that the pool is so thin to draw from now it’s sad.


You’re right. That, tied with half of the maps having imbalances (no matter how slight) in favour of the dominant faction, all leads to one thing - less fun experiences for everyone.

However, it will not be long before our green-skinned friends come here telling Alliance players to google strats and to “git gud”, all assuming superior play while ignoring the glaring imbalances their side has.

They’ll repeat that until they’re blue in the face, discounting the people who play both. They have nothing to say about Cata either when horde had a small winrate advantage in the smaller BG’s but couldn’t win a 40-man to save their lives.

It’s only going to get worse too unless something’s done. It’s a player issue to be sure but it’s clear players aren’t willing to swap to alliance en masse to fix it.

Alliance are doing fine

they pretty much own ioc every time i get that alliance usually win that 1

wintergrasp just depends whoever gets defense every time i have gotten defense i have not lost its way too easy to win that on defense so not really a faction thing

av out of all the epics this least pops for me but when it does it goes either way from the games i have been in

ashran i will admit horde have won this one more then ally in games i have been in its basically the IOC bg for horde

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Disagree wholeheartedly. It is amusing seeing horde come here and mention how everything is fine. At least I’d respect the horde that say, yes there is a problem, maybe solution xxx may work.


Well if you read my whole post you would have noticed i did say ashran is prolly the only bg that horde do way better in then alliance but you ignored it so its w/e but you guys make up for it in ioc

and i honestly could careless about your respect anyway lol

and there you have it you said you have your experience and i have mine just like other people have there own experience this seems to be a case of your not enjoying epics and if you dont enjoy them dont q for them

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Well until blizzard releases numbers it’s all anecdotal. What you say and what I say. But I think we all know there is a problem, and even rational horde main players will recognize something is off. Then there are the players like you who say everything is fine. It’s not helpful or productive and leads to more of the status quo

Press X to doubt

That’s your problem not mine

@ avati cool story bro

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Obviously. It’s why I made the thread. Clearly it’s not a problem for you.

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Setting aside all the bad play issues from Alliance pugs (capping Snowfall every game, not focusing healers, not sticking together, etc) there are a lot more afkers on Alliance-side that I’ve noticed.

The match is 5-6 minutes in and there’s still several players with 0 damage done? What other explanation can there be for that other than those players being afk? :thinking:

You’ll have a few afkers on Horde side, but it’s usually only 1-2 players and they get called out/kicked in a timely manner. Meanwhile on Alliance side, those same afkers with 0 damage done don’t get called out even 20 minutes into a match (???).

Just more low damage/low healing slackers on Alliance side, in addition to all the other problems that have already been covered ad nauseam on here.

I’ve seen a particular Night Elf Druid, who is present in a LOT of epics, that barely cracks 2 million damage done - as a Boomkin. I saw him barely crack 500k damage during one AV match… :roll_eyes:

We are still Alliance, but certainly NOT queuing into epic battlegrounds, especially not PUG groups. It’s been sad for me not to do epics as I used to love running them, even in PUG groups. I think Erelor above is probably the more honest horde here.

Epic BGs are horrible especially for Alliance but not for the reasons you listed. They are just all poorly designed and Alliance doesn’t want to do most of them.

Ashran is nearly unwinnable and trash now.
WG, IOC is a siege battle where all damage from cannons and seiges needs to be reduced by 85% so they can be fun BGs again.
AV was great when it was a normal BG

You make Epics awesome by reverting back to the way they were in their respected expansions.

Why would I want to do Ashran when flower buffs are right there for Horde?
Why would I want to do WG when 99% of the time Allilance is on offence and cannons reach down to the SK?

Idk Epics are just awful for so many reasons. Need lots of tuning for sure

In my experience (anecdotal, I know), it comes down to the luck of the draw. Sometimes Alliance can get on win streaks.

I participated in 4 epic BGs last night. One of each with Alliance attacking in WG. Alliance won all of them even with Horde getting flower buffs and playing defense in WG. So Alliance does win.

Alliance win epic BGs in the sub 30 honor level bracket a lot, I’m curious if gear disparity or something is worse 30+ that makes it worse there?

Maybe since Horde are more into mythic raiding and PvE. However it’s just leveling. So there is a reason to Que Epics. Where at max level there isn’t a reason to Que Epics as Alliance. Just most Ally really hate them.

If Alliance could blacklist BG no one would do Ashran, WG then some would blacklist IOC and AV

It’s just really lopsided design and they feel bad when you are in them. I usually leave 9 out of 10 Epics but so does most of the team. I then realized why even bother Queing for Epics so I haven’t recently. When regular BGs are Waaaay better.

They really have to just redesign the Epic BGs and tune them. Then maybe Alliance will feel better about doing them. I would start with trying to get the Epic BGs back to when they were enjoyed. First thing that needs nerfs is cannons range and damage. Can we give these things a 60 yard range instead of 2 miles and have their damage against players be reduced by 85%.

That way players have to defend the sieges and cannons.

Then Ashran just needs to be restored to how it was in WoD. I would start by doubling the resources needed to win to promote farming Artifacts turning them in and killing the leader. Ashran shouldn’t be winnable in under 40 mins. I mean it’s Epic. These BGs should be 40-50 mins each. The reason we Qued them is for a long Epic Battle like a Raid. Wouldn’t mind a great Epic BG going on for over an hour.

Issues are all design of them as they are.

Just to clarify, I’m referring to level 120 epic BGs at sub 30 honor level since they apparently split max level BGs into two brackets below 30 honor and above.

I win epic BGs merc queuing for epic BGs a lot at 120, but I’m only a few honor levels too low to be in the other bracket, so I’m not sure how dramatic the difference is. When you sort those BGs by honor level I’m usually at the top with a few other people and then there’s a ton of lower players including a bunch of 1-10 honor level players.

I know we get a lot of really low honor levels in that bracket and people who often say they’ve never been in a BG like Ashran or WG before and ask what they’re supposed to do. Not sure if just experience level is different or if the HL 30+ bracket also tends to have more higher geared players as well.

edit: as an example, I win Ashran more often than I lose it in that bracket merc queuing. Earlier today I did a WG (as ally) and we completely destroyed them, we had 20 vehicles most of the game and they just got rolled over. I have been in occasional blowouts where they won by a lot as well, but I get in a lot of close games in that bracket also.

I ignore honor levels haven’t paid attention to them since they introduced them. They are kinda irrelevant. I want an honor gear vendor and so do most players.

Honor level is an irrelevant variable. If I was Horde my honor level would be higher I could chain farm Epics like Ahran and win 99% of the time.

As Alliance I don’t want to do Epics, my team also feels the same as the moral is very low in there. We joke about how it’s a loss then say lets fight the first battle and if we lose there we can just afk. So how we fix this is start by DRASTIC tuning of Epic BGs. You are just going to have to redesign them so Alliance feel like it will be fair and worth doing.

If we don’t balance these BGs they are just a failed bracket in general and think maybe they should just remove Epics. As they are no point in doing them from a PvP standpoint as Alliance.