I have played 1120 rounds of shuffle as a healer this season. 676 as Preservation and 444 as Restoration (shaman). Peak on the former is ~2150 and peak on the latter is ~2000. Both currently sit at ~2000.
My shaman had MMR carryover from last season, so I broke 1800 relatively quickly. My Preservation spec did not, however, and I bottomed out somewhere in the 13-1400 range after my placement games. Point being I have experienced climbing out of those ratings as well as getting a free pass beyond that Elo band.
My main in Wrath is also a Disc priest and the character I’m taking through HC is a Resto druid. I have always played both roles. For all its flaws, healing in WoW is a singular experience that has no equivalent elsewhere.
It definitely seems like you have more agency to climb rating as dps. That’s been my experience, at least. And I’m a better healer player than a dps. When you queue as heals you typically just go 3-3 over and over again, while some ugly duckling dps loses all his games, either by not pressing his buttons, LOS’ing his team, or something similar. Each healer just has to suffer through 3 rounds with that guy. Yes, you CAN contribute to setups and damage as a healer, but with the general zugzug mindset of players combined with the turbo-dampening in shuffle, you don’t have many free globals for this.
I find it FAR easier to queue as dps and secure easy wins. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way, either. Gaining rating as a healer is miserable. Anyone who’s actually tried it will understand. Sitting in 45 min queues as a dps is equally miserable. The end result is that I just don’t play solo shuffle anymore.
TLDR: I wish they’d find a way to incentivize healer queues somehow.
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Push every healer up a few hundred cr/mmr.

then i am very perplexed by your analysis. If you have played that many shuffles you must have noticed how insanely inflated DPS mmr is compared to yours.
People are rating hoarz. When something is easy to push rating… EVERYONE will queue it. Just look at ret last season. If they bumped healer MMR everyone and their mother would be queuing it and queue times would go down.
I’ve seen people say that they want fast rounds.
As a healer, I don’t like the frantic spamming of heals to try to keep the morons, who don’t know how to press buttons, alive. There is no time to do any utility, just gotta spam. And hope they don’t chase someone around a pillar.
So, with fast rounds, you get long queues.
Would you rather have 40 minute queues for 2 minute rounds, or 5 minute queues for 5 minute rounds? (These numbers are approximate and made up, just for the example)
Its crazy to me that they know there is a massive lack of healers in PvP due to things like you mentioned but they wont bother applying any useful changes to fix anything. Just goes to show they don’t care about PvP.
One of the biggest problems I see is the mmr change they made in this S2 to nerf SoloQ in a bad attempt to encourage 2v2, 3v3 and RBG queues, since they were crying that everyone preferred SoloQ to those queues, and well, in the end they ended up damaging a game mode that didn’t need that kind of fixes, I don’t know where they found the problem that the rating in this mode was ‘‘too high’’, it was necessary because it takes you between 30 to 40 minutes to find a game like dps, right now it feels miserable to take that long to see if you can win 4-2 and get a poor 29 or 26 points, it doesn’t feel satisfying, and even less so when matchmaking is broken, where I’ve seen that They put me in lobby with players 500cr lower than mine, or 300 higher than mine, it is not fun to find games where they pair you with DF gladiators, even from the current season and they almost always sweep the floor with someone because their level of playability is very Above the rest of the players, many have given up due to these unfair matchmaking.
If the 2v2, 3v3 and RBG queues are as empty as they say, it is because there are no rewards that are worth wasting time looking for partners for these rated pvp queues, the solution was not to damage mmr and SoloQ matchmaking, it was to add new rewards to the other queues.