I’m 2200 in solo shuffle as a healer and same CR in normal 3s. ALL the DPS I inspect in my solo shuffle games have 1900 -2kCR in normal 3s. Even those with more games played.
Let me repeat. I am a 2200cr healer playing with DPS who are 200-300cr below me in normal 3s in every shuffle round. Every other healer I talk to is in the same situation. We are basically overskilled in our shuffles because our mmr lags way behind dps.
Buffing healer mmr is an easy bandaid fix that would not harm anyone.
And they already downpair healers with dps 400 mmr below the healer’s mmr so there isn’t even the argument that low mmr dps lobbies would suffer from buffing healer mmr.
Yeah it does, but I would also consider a 2.1k healer to be roughly equivalent to a 2.4k dps in terms of skill (obviously some specs are harder than others sub rogue vs arms war).
Anyway that’s besides the point. Just wanted to point out that it really wouldn’t affect queues all that much in a negative way if they buffed healer mmr
Unless they buff healer MMR by A LOT I don’t feel like it’s going to make it more appealing for dps players, it would have to be easier to get 2.4k as a healer than a dps for us to really see people switching over IMO. It will def make it better for current healers though.
Yeah same here, I think I misrepresented myself. IMO 2.1k healers and 2.4k dps are both good at the game, but they’re far from perfect and do make tons of mistakes.
They’re nowhere near R1 or mglad which would be people at like 2.7-2.8k as dps and 2.5-2.6k as healer
Bottom line is, I think that a 2.1k healer is better than a 2.1k dps, 1.8k healer better than a 1.8k dps, etc
I don’t know why DPS feel this way. Almost every loss they have isn’t the healers fault as much as it’s their own or the other DPS. I know because the lobbies I’ve been in both healers are pumping and it’s the DPS that make mistakes that decide matches
Agree to disagree on this. I feel like healers have little impact on who wins the match. It’s mostly the DPS players that decide or what comp they’re playing. I feel like blaming a healer for not winning is failing to take accountability
No offense man but after 2000 healer rounds of shuffle you don’t really have a point
There is a rating where healers realize they have to help generate kills
Almost immediately afterwards there is a rating where healers try to contribute to kills but have no idea what they’re doing and grief drs or let someone die because they’re tryna cc
And eventually there is a rating where healers recognize when they need to help set up cc or cross cc while contributing dmg when possible
Hmm. This depends on the lobby. In general healers usually try to play super safely/conservatively when there comes a time where they will often just lose if they aren’t getting cc out or minimizing incoming cc.
It’s actually crazy how RSS has been out for almost a year now and this kind of stuff has not only not been fixed but not even addressed by a single blue sentence.
I feel like I said this a lot in its inception but I’ll repeat it here again.
Healers, more often than not, assume they’re always playing adequately and have no agency over the outcome of the game. This is ridiculously false. I’m not going to make a blanket statement on which role is harder between healing and dps. I think depending on the comp, certain roles are more relaxed at times but both roles have very important things they need to do well and at higher mmr, both have many other things that go beyond “do dmg” or “heal” that are paramount to their success.
I can’t tell you how many times a healer’s positioning, lack of dispel usage, or refusal to assist with cc has cost games. Mismanaging cds/trades… it happens a ton. This also happens with dps too, don’t get me wrong. But to assume your crap don’t stink just because you heal is erroneous.
The issue in that video is those two healers should have never been matched against one another in the first place.
Video does kind of also show further indication that the actual MMR system is working. There was a 131 MMR difference between the healers and the system expected the higher healer to go 5-1, and they did, so they got no CR for doing so. People talk about how obviously whatever rank 1 healer can breeze their way to high ranks, because they’re just that good, and that you shouldn’t need to play like a 2100 healer to hit 1800, or a 2400 healer to hit 2100, etc, but the system is already (correctly) predicting a 5-1 result in favor of the higher rated healer with “merely” a 131 MMR gap.