That’s great and all but did you watch any of the video? 5-1, 0 cr.
Healer MMR has been messed up since inception. Their refusal to deal with it plus upcoming solo BG means RSS is dead come 11.0.
That’s great and all but did you watch any of the video? 5-1, 0 cr.
Healer MMR has been messed up since inception. Their refusal to deal with it plus upcoming solo BG means RSS is dead come 11.0.
Stop praising this stupid system. All it takes is one dps to mess up and that healer tanks his CR.
this whole season was just a test they wanted healers to be lower CR so they could que with the lower dps AND the higher dps
SS is trash and will always be trash
and SS RBG is just going to be a unbalanced hell
The current system works as designed, but that doesn’t mean that it’s what’s good for the game.
This system combined with other factors such as game design, toxicity, etc are slowly killing off the healer playerbase.
They already slot healers into games that are 400 mmr higher or lower.
I think it was just an unintended or unforeseen consequence of segregating healer mmr that wasn’t properly adjusted for, so it makes sense that healers are all lower, but it’s damaging to the mode for them to be so.
all the streamers that do SS are 90% healers because its the only way to play the game or they que on 3+ accounts to play a dps
and all the SS healers dont even enjoy the game at this point imo only ever see them rage because they get put into meme lobbys with hardstuck 1800 people
and thats what new people see if they click on streams people AFK 30-50min ques or they are just screaming at their screens because people are actually just awful at this game
yeah SS is a great success showing people how bad the game is in the “most played gamemode of ranked”
Yeah, watched a healer buddy get a 2700 dps lobby at 2500 then shortly after that a 2150 one. They should’ve bumped all healers up and then reduced their tolerance for healers to get into much higher (or lower) games.
streams is where most new players find games if SS is wows advertisement this game is doomed
pvp is already dead at this point 6% of wow accounts have combatant 1 this season
rival 1 is 4%
challenger 1 5%
0.042% of people have glad
0.161 have elite
No I didn’t because I wasn’t commenting on the video. I’m commenting on stuff like:
Read his post history
There is literally zero data to support this claim. There only data we have access to says that the healer playerbase now is no different than it was nearly a year ago.
And healers messing up can tank a DD’s CR. And DD’s messing up can also tank the other DD’s CR.
The singular flaw in the current system, where healers are concerned, is that healers should never be placed against opposing healers of significantly mismatched MMR. It is the one issue. It should be fixed as a matter of urgency, regardless of any consequences for DD queues. Everything else is cope and ignorance.
Queue times?
Queue times haven’t gotten worse overall. They got better when they split healer and DD MMR, and then a bit less better when they tightened up how far they would allow healers to flex, and then have stayed about the same since. More popular specs have longer queues. Less popular specs have shorter queues.
All that is anecdotal, however. What isn’t anecdotal is that the healer playerbase we can see on the ladder very closely matches the 19% figure that Blizzard released last year. I would love an updated accounting from them, but that is the information we actually have and what it indicates is that the healer playerbase has not changed in any significant way. Over the past year there have been plenty of individuals who have claimed the extinction of healers is just around the corner, and it hasn’t panned out even one time. Not one time and not even a little bit.
I don’t look that deep into this forum man. If I responded to a troll, so be it lol.
So should we be content with 19% healers or should we try ways to up the number a bit so that dps folks have to wait less time to play games?
He’s a battered healer who assumes healers are the GOAT and can do no wrong
This would be a reasonable question twenty years ago, but after two decades I don’t think it is. This isn’t a WoW-specific problem; every single RPG game that has ever existed has had to deal with the support bottleneck, and 19% honestly seems to be an upper-end figure. If you compare healing in WoW to the average appeal of supportive roles, WoW healing is doing well.
At this point I think it is accurate to say that the 2:1 ratio that 3v3 calls for is simply incompatible with the fundamental appeal of support roles. We either need to change it to 4v4 or 5v5, or bribe DDs to play healers (e.g. a fast pass system), or accept the queues as they are. Healing should still be improved as much as possible because the entire game should be subject to that process, but there is no role-design solution to this problem because the problem itself is a systems problem. It is highly unlikely that the development team at Blizzard is going to crack the code to a problem that the entire industry has failed to overcome since its inception.
Do you honestly think that bumping healer mmr by some crazy number like 300 mmr wouldn’t bring TONS of more healers to the healer pool? Give more rewards to healers (not conquest), make it slightly easier for healers to hit certain ratings compared to dps, it’s honestly as easy as that.
It would provide a short-lived boost as people abuse healers for freelo, but they would ultimately jump ship once they have the rewards they’re looking for. It’s not a sustainable solution. Such a solution would also mean it’s the 2400+ range that would see a wildly disproportionate increase in healer activity, because that’s the only place where you have to do more than hit the rating for an additional reward. 1800 players that ride the healer train to a Duelist title aren’t going to continue queueing the role. It would have a temporary impact each season and that impact would be greatest where (and when) it matters the least. Every season would have the worst possible queues when people are playing their most critical games.
What would be a sustainable solution is the fast pass system. Queues would be reduced by a certain average amount, with that amount cycling between a zenith improvement and a nadir improvement, and it would stay like that forever. It would also be rating-agnostic, and hypothetically would even provide a specific boost to dedicated healers because they would be better at their role, on average, than the DDs playing it for their tokens.
I do fully support throwing random crap at healers in the boxes we get though. I also don’t see any issue with giving healers a 5-10% buff to their MMR to compensate for the fact that it’s impossible to match the two ladders with 100% precision. Instead of slightly fewer healers than would be ideal above 2400 there would be slightly more, but we’d still be looking at like 20-21% instead of the 33% that healers who don’t understand the ladder want.
lol its obvious you aren’t queuing a healer in solo shuff … try it for a week and then see if you still agree with your opinion