It’s been 3 weeks and Northrend is already empty

False. Try again Garmuck.

Sounds like you’re on a dead server. Sulfuras is still packed

Lmao people living in some alternate reality, i’m on the biggest server in West coast and no one is around in any of these zones.

You are just blind and brain-dead.

Instead of making post every other day why don’t you just quit the game?

Save us from reading these dumbass posts.

Bro you’re so toxic, relax. No one is forcing you to read my posts.

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They’re 14 years in the future playing retail lul

Daily Garmuck doom thread.

That would be Grobb…and its busy all the time. What are you even talking about?

Just trying logging onto my Hunter on Grobb, queue time…yep, nope.

The sky isn’t falling :chicken::pinching_hand:t4:

This was the dumbest complaint I ever heard. Not you, people who we are talking about.

When i played DPS, I would queue and quest for like 45 minutes until it popped. I have no idea who sits down and waits almost an hour and does nothing while they wait.

As a tank or heals, I get it. It pops ASAP so if you chain run you barely will be in the open world. But that means others can do more dungeons so its a win/win.

LFD is in no way a bad thing. The only negative is people being mean in an instance but that is 100% on the community.

That’s cause most people quit lol, half the server is just DK bots a tthis point.

Wrong at the time of me making this post it was really dead.

hey can i uhhh get a uhh layer 63 invite thanks


Wow no one wants to be griefed while questing.

Stop making them then

I cant speak for your server but Mankrik server has a few thousand or more players and 80%of the population is in Dalaran, this is likely the case for a good number of other servers. most players were hustling HARD to hit 80 and avoid most questing that was not necessary for Sons of Hodir, Knights of the Ebon Blade reputations since running dungeons pays out Horde expedition /Whatever the Alliance side equivilent is, EbonBlade and Argent Dawn tabards grant rep from dungeons. A great number of people either have their pre raid Bis now and are doing NAX or others before the Argent Tournament Grounds come out or are running heroics to get geared. My classic hunter has almost half her pre raid bis acquired, aiming to get in a few 10 man pugs soon

What’s your stupid point?

So make your own group, problem solved.

Youre spare parts bud

It’s sad, isn’t it? Blizzard thought that by removing RDF they could prevent people from “just sitting in Dalaran queueing dungeons.” And technically they were successful, as now the community doesn’t even bother signing on unless they’re raidlogging.

Without RDF this may as well just be an empty lobby game.

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