New addon in the works that is intended for the hunter class. As the title hints at, the addon is focusing on hunter pets, specifically things pertaining to the use of the stables, along with features involving the process of looking for, and taming new pets. If anyone’s interested, we would very much like it if you check it out, both for personal use and/or to provide feedback towards its ongoing development.
Disclaimer: This addon is in an ALPHA-state, and is considered to be a work-in-progress; certain features are incomplete/unfinished or havn’t yet been implemented.
Link to the addon page:
Layout option 1:
Layout option 2:
New filter&sorting menus:
Available features/functions at this stage:
- “View only”-mode
- Scroll-window display of pets
- Compact layout for active pets(icons only)
- Card-style layout for Active pets
- 6th “Card” for Animal Companion
- Enhanced “selected”-frame/model viewer
- Beast Squads
Please visit the addon page for more info on the current state along with what’s planned for future updates.
Again, any feedback is much appreciated!
OMG!!! This looks amazing. And the taming guide too. The stable master interface is not very nice but this looks so much better.
I’m super excited about this. Can’t wait to see how it progresses.
Interesting… Do you still have to be at a Stable Master to fully interact with the addon?
You do yes. With this addon, you do have the option to open the stables from anywhere in the world, even when not at a stable master. Though, if you actually want to manage/switch your pets, you need to talk to a stable master still.
There’s no way around that in terms of an addon or similar.
It is, however, possible to access your stables without talking to a stable master in a city, by using this item(craftable by engineers):
- The addon can now be installed/updated via addon managers such as Wowup etc. Manual download/installation is no longer necessary.
Two hotfixes have been implemented for the addon.
- Fixed Embedded Library Dependencies.
- Fixed empty active slots on load causing an error when the active slot info updated after a pet had been dragged to the previously empy slots.
Currently working on:
- Adding the data required for generating individual pet family abilities, for display in various elements(like active pet slots).
- The implementation of functions and elements tied to the “Selected-frame”.
- Adding some initial settings through the Options-frame(accessible through the button in the top right corner of the main window)
Update: New version - V0.32
(Also an alpha version - V0.33 available)
Both can be installed/downloaded via addon managers.
(If you want the alpha-release, make sure that you have the addon flagged for alpha-releases)
Fixed Issues:
- Fixed issue with 3D Model-frame background sometimes dissapearing
- Fixed all startup debug message errors
- Fixed typo: “Slabled Pets” is now “Stabled Pets”
- Fixed default sorting to fit the new sorting mechanic from all currently active sorting appliances
- Fixed an issue with non informative Hello World print out, on New Squad-saves, it is now an informative text linked to Ace-3.0 Print().
New Features:
- Added back-end code for “Favourite” tags (Missing code to set and unset “Favourites” from GUI)
- Updated options-button to use a Cogwheel button graphic instead of the standard red button with text
- Updated filters and sort buttons to more closely resemble the Blizzard equivalent filter buttons in the Collections-Journal
- Added colouration of Active pet-slots, when they are shown in the ScrollFrame(showing stabled pets).
Update: New version – Alpha V0.35a
Sorry for the hiatus, due to some IRL stuff, development of the addon had to be put on hold. It is now back up, and there’s a new alpha build available for use/testing. If you’re using an addon-manager for installation, it may be required to flag the addon for alpha releases, in order to see new updates.
The build(Alpha) is mostly stable.
Fixed Issues:
- Fixed an issue with Fungus(Diet) in the DB being listed as Fungi, causing a filter option to not work properly.
- Sorting weights weren’t applying the correct sorting. which means there were paired sorts, but not correct sorts.
New Features:
- A few upgrades are being added to the search and sort functions. This is still a work in progress.
- Rebased project out of root/BestiaAzerothica, to have a better build and deploy synergy.
- TOC Version number changed from v0.34d to v0.35a using substitutions. This should be a candidate for Beta release.
- Project is now using autopackaging.
- Sorting approach changed to a weighted sorting for nested layers, rather than chained search with saved indicies.
Known Issues:
- Filters and Sorts not yet fully implemented.
- Favourites not fully implemented.
- Search doesn’t reset on Pet Drag.
- Abilities sometimes disappear from the tooltip in the scrollist.
- Multiclick in the Stabled Pets ScrollFrame can cause the slot to become corrupted forcing the user to reload the UI to regain the functionality.
- Dragging and dropping pets on icons on the Active Pet Slot Cards may cause an error.
- Attention message about the state of the search - filter - sort function trigger 3 times.
- Opening the Stable Master tab sometimes causes it to be blank, swap tab and swap back as a work around.
- Filtering for family Check All and Uncheck All doesn’t save correct values, cause unknown.
Thank you for keeping us updated and not just dropping it like some addons. There were some great addons that have just been abandoned.
Appreciate it O. There’s a lot more that is yet to be added, several things that we probably haven’t thought of, but find out as we continue.
We’re currently working on getting the final parts of the sorting+filters done, along with any functions tied to assigning Favourites. Apart from that, there are still some minor things to do with active slots/the animal companion, and the info frame that shows any pet you’ve selected. We’ll see how it all fits into the timeline, but hopefully we can get an early version of the Tamer’s Guide out soon.
There are also plans for additional layouts(optional) that include you being able to view active pets solely as icons, like with the default UI. With the additional features in this addon on top of that.
The next update is being worked on, just some things that are taking longer than expected to figure out.
i dowloaded v0.32.
Is it normal that in the menu “Interface->Addon->iStableMaster” all the options are placeholders named "Checkbox 1 label, option 1.2 option 3 and such ?
Atm, yes.
We’re currently working on the implementation of certain options. But as of now, it’s still just a template, just the base framework. And it will most likely get changed as development continues.
The addon still in development? Hoping to use it as it looks awesome.
It is indeed. Some things are taking longer than expected to figure out, and my co-author is also fairly busy with his studies, but it is being worked on.
( Marked as Alpha on Curseforge)
- Fixed sorting – to not rely on weights but rather a better, more conventional, equity handling during a bubblesort.
- Fixed an issue where opening the Stable Master tab sometimes causes it to be blank, swap tab and swap back as a work around.
- A few upgrades are maybe added to the search and sort functions, this is still a work in progress.
Known issues:
- Rarity Filters and Sorts not yet fully implemented.
- Favourites not yet finished.
- Search doesn’t reset on Pet Drag.
- Abilities sometimes disappear from the tooltip in the scrolllist.
- Multiclick in the Stabled Pets ScrollFrame can cause the slot to become corrupted forcing the user to reload the UI to regain the functionality.
- Dragging and dropping pets on icons on the Active Pet Slot Cards will cause an error.
- Attention! message about the state of the search - filter - sort function trigger 3 times.
- Filtering for family Check All and Uncheck All doesn’t save correct values, cause unknown.
Marked as Alpha on Curseforge
The build is mostly stable.
Bit of a larger update this time. Some new features and functions. The addition of a second layout-option(compact style for active pets) in the options menu, along with more info added to the “Selected-frame/Model Viewer”, where any pet you click on is displayed. A detailed summary can be found below, along with images of the current state.
New Features:
Known Issues:
- Rarity Filters and Sorts not yet fully implemented.
- Issues with certain sorts remain, and needs further investigation.
- “Set favourites” not yet finished: System will be redesigned visually, and there are issues with refreshing on pet drag.
- Search doesn’t reset on Pet Drag.
- Abilities sometimes disappear from the tooltip in the scrolllist.
- Filtering for family ‘Check All’ and ‘Uncheck All’ doesn’t save correct values, cause has been located to the loops, and the future will probably adress this by relying on smarter code, and/or non dynamic handling.
New Issues:
- Pet Model Viewer Data Frames for selected pets, don’t update properly. Currently being worked on. Hopefully another update coming soon where this is fixed.
- Unknown crash reported when interacting with the stable master after taming “Sambas”, we could not reproduce the issue, but were are watching it.
Thank you for your work.
Downloading at this moment.
How am I just now finding out about this addon?! Shut up and take my ad revenue!
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