Issues with unlocking Mechagnomes

I mean sure, but every other BFA race needs a character on their faction to fit the requirements. Mechagnomes would be a weird outlier.-
That being said this is most likely a bug.

It would have been nice if what they advertised was true. Give a damn about your biases or perception of biases. Give me my freaking trash gnome, you can have the foxes for all I care.

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If diapers can be unlocked by both, shouldn’t it be a neutral race?

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Seems Blizz decided to make it fair for all those who were complaining.

Honestly, it makes sense at the end of the day to me … even though I have seen a lot of nonsensical QQ threads about horde bias. I feel this one was warranted.


Where do you go to start the quest after you have exalted and have the achievement?

I’d like them to say something on it at least, because we were lead to believe that we would have been able to unlock them by meeting the requirements on Horde characters. It’s a bit grating because of that, as I spent thousands of gold upgrading and enchanting heirlooms, and buying bags in preparation for a mechagnome I thought I would be allowed to have.


Stormwind Embassy

They should just players let the equivalent reps (7th legion - honorbound) and let us unlock all races. Everyone would be happier.


Check the achievement tab. I found out, while farming for the amulet to get Bumbles, while the achievement is account wide (did all the stormsong quests on my DK), it didn’t count towards other characters.

So i basically wasted days on my Paladin farmimg for the dang thing.

If you open.the achievement tab under a character and portions of the achievement are grayed out, you probably need to log on.the character that has done the entire chain for it to count.

I feel you on this man. I wouldn’t have minded an alliance centric approach to mechagnomes BUT THEY NEVER ANNOUNCED ANYTHING TO IT. Doing the questline on an alliance alt is quite bothersome.

If they announced the proper requirement i would’ve prepared accordingly. They never did.


I’ve read that on the PTR people had to do the whole Mechagon story on an Alliance character, though I don’t know of it’s really true. One thing is sure though, you have to complete it by running the dungeon at the end of the zone story to kill King Mechagon. Try doing that first on your Horde character to see if it works.

Multiple people posted here that you needed to do the mechagon threat on your Alliance toon.


It honestly wouldn’t be an issue for me if they said straight up “You must have exalted Rustbolt Resistance and the entire questline done on an Alliance character to unlock this race.” I would have accepted that and probably spent my spare crates on insignias instead of what I had chosen to spend them on instead. Rather, they said straight up that we’d be allowed to do them on Horde characters, which got me interested and willing to prepare to make one. Only to deny it to us at the last second.


These devs really don’t want anyone to play mechagnomes.

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My Horde character almost has rank 3 Perfection. He’s killed King Mechagon multiple times.

And Blizzard said that we could do them on Horde characters.

Yeah, it’s crappy to do that. At the end of the day would be better if it was a bug.

I thought we could unlock all the requirements on a Horde toon…


The only tweet I saw was about exalted rep. Did they say something about the mechagon threat?

I’m still hoping that this is the case. Wish Blizz would say something.