Not receiving Trader’s Tender when completing an achievement. Chest is not highlighted and will not open. And today, my existing 215 tender is now showing zero. Where did my 215 tender go.
It looks like a display issue, Acquilina, I still show that you have 215 Tenders.
I logged in today after several montsh, and have zero trader’s tenders (I had 2500+) and I can’t retrieve any from the chest.
I also had around 2200. Just checked and have 0. Tried reloading, logging in and out, disabling addons, still 0.
I have the same issue, ~2500 trader tenders have been zero’d and i cant collect this months reward or tenders.
all my traders tenders are gone. vendor shows I have 0 and I had around 2k the other day when I last played.
Same issue here as well. I even disabled all AddOns, did the full cache/interface/wtf folder reset and still the same. 0 trader’s Tenders and unable to loot the chest
I’m also zero’ed out on tendies. I just want my tendies
Folks. This sounds like a display issue. What you can do is go into your transaction history and it’ll give you what you truly have.
Make sure you’re posting this over in the Bug Report forum so the Devs know it’s an issue. Posting about this in Customer Support doesn’t get the issue resolved because the staff who address the issues don’t come here.
Account → Transaction History → Virtual Wallet
Thanks Leilleath,
didnt know about this. I do see them all there correctly, so definitely just an in-game thing. Will create a bug report