Issue with recruit a friend

I think you might have meant Lokian. Lokin is on another account entirely that is inactive at the moment. :slight_smile:

Although I hoped to get a better idea of what happened, there isn’t a lot I can see. I’m unable to find a RAF link from Stella being sent recently and there isn’t an indication of an invite on your account. It is likely that when you detached the WoW#1 license all association with it was also purged, so any links that existed.

It does look like the WoW#2 license you are currently using was active as of 12/28/23, so you should have been able to create an RAF link at the time. The most likely case though is that you accidentally selected the option to create a new license instead of linking to an existing one. :frowning:

I am sorry for the frustration here and that we’re not able to do anything to retroactively link the accounts.


I appreciate ya looking into it for us. She isnt very tech savey and her husband is kinda absent minded at times. So i would bet that is exactly what happened. You will laugh but hes a pain to quest with because he either misses a turn in or a pick up all the time and then im left to try to figure out why we arnt on the same quests anymore. Kinda like this situation i did my best to convey all info I knew as to what happened. Little sad I dont get the raf rewards but maybe a new chance to raf someone will present itself