Issue with Legion Assaults not counting for Defending Broken Isles achievement

As the title says, I’m questing to get my druid class mount and I’ve done all the achievement progress for the Defending Broken Isles, except the entry named Legion Assault completed. I’ve done about 8 assaults and it hasn’t counted for it at all. I get the quest when I enter the zone, do the 4 world quests, turn the quest in and nothing happens. A buddy told me I need to complete the scenario, but there is no scenario after I turn the quest in. I submitted a ticket and I was told to turn my add-ons off as they might interfere with the scenario pop up, but that still isn’t helping. I did the quest chain in my class hall, and the guides on wowhead tell me I need to complete Defending Broken Isles to finish the quest line. The achievement Defender of the Broken Isles (completing an assault in each zone) is also not being ticked off as I do them, and I’ve done an assault in every area about twice since I started this quest to get my class mount. I’m not sure what the issue is, I talked to a GM and he couldn’t figure it out either.

Yeah, the assaults won’t count if you do not fully complete them by doing the scenario.

Highmountain is currently under assault. Have you looked over the guide on Wowhead?


Is this the druid you’re trying to do it on? Your friend is correct that there’s a scenario to complete after the four world quests to kill the invasion commander, but you might be too high a level to see the quest being offered.

Next time an assault rolls around, make sure you have trivial quests tracked on your minimap, see if that helps.


In the interest of full disclosure, let me preface this post by admitting that I haven’t done a Legion assault in ages, and I’m incredibly sleep- deprived as I type this, but…

Do you have to have unlocked emissary quests in order to access invasion scenarios?

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He appears to have “Uniting the Isles” done, and thus has unlocked world quests.

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You do have the quest, “Defending Broken Isles”, in your quest log before going out and completing a Legion Assault and Scenario afterwards, correct?

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I sent one of my Demon Hunters to Highmountain to do the assault there that is going on right now. Just want to test whether the quests are flowing the same way they did in Legion. She did her class mount quests during Legion and does NOT have any outside quests related to assaults.

Here is a breakdown of her doing the entire assault and the scenario:

Accepting the quest upon entering Highmountain

4 assault quests completed now – turn in quest shown on map

Turning in that quest, thus completing phase 1

Getting the next quest (phase 2)

Completed the first part of “Holding Our Ground” & moved to second area to complete it

Completed the second area & ready to turn it in

Taking final quest

Letting Lasan Skyhorn know I’m ready to queue for scenario

Joined the queue

Queue popped

Taking War Eagles to ship (where final fight happens)

Fight complete (don’t forget to loot boss’ corpse)

Turning in final quest


Just to summarize here, it sounds like since the character outlevels the zone, without lower level quest tracking you won’t see the followup quests for the Legion invasion. It’s a little quest line after the 4 world quests, ending in the scenario.


You may have turn on “Trivial Quests” tracking by clicking the magnifying glass on the minimap.


I think this might have solved it? I remember getting a quest right after I turned in the Legion assault but not accepting it, thinking that it was just a low level quest in the area that I didn’t do when I was leveling during Legion? But I know for certain Azuna’s Legion assault didn’t give me a quest right after. I don’t have an assault up current so I can’t do a play-by-play of how it’s not working.

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folow up quest to up to the legion ship is only for max lvl for legion content u wont get that perticular quest till max lvl of that expansion.

Next one should happen around 1:30 pm Eastern time Monday.

Right, but I’m max level for Legion, beyond, in fact.

Did you meet Prince Farondis near Shackle’s Den? He would have been up the path a little ways, leading to the Temple of Lights / Ruined Sanctum areas.

@1:18 in this video would have been where you turned in the initial assault quest (Assault on Azsuna) and then he would have given you “Presence of Power” quest.

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I feel like you are going to keep running into the same issue, unless you pick up the quest from Maiev Shadowsong down on the Broken Shore.

I just looked at Wowhead, and reconfirmed that if you are wanting to continue with getting your class mount, you will need to have and complete the quest, “Defending Broken Isles”.

This includes doing the Scenario after completing the required 4 world quests of the assault.

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Sorry to bring back a dead post, but I couldn’t pick up Holding Our Ground. The guy disappeared after I turned in Assault on High mountain. Any ideas? I finished the quest with 3 minutes to go then flew straight to turn in. Does the assault have to be going on to pick up the second part?

Yes. All of the quests involved in an assault can only be done while the assault is active. Basically, if the Legion retreats, the assault is over, so you cannot complete the quests that follow.

So in the future when an assault is active you’ll get the Assault quest when you enter the area. That requires you to complete 4 assault world quests, which will then allow you to move to the second part, “Holding Our Ground”. After that, you’ll start the third part, which is to fight the boss of the invasion.

Sorry you missed it, Dimitri.


As Vrakthris said, sadly you missed out on fully completing the invasion requirements due to the invasion ending.

However, Legion invasions are on a schedule and you can check the link below to see when the next one will happen.


any solution? i changed account and faction… i met all reps and quest requierement and the Assault points doesnt appear

Necromancy. When a thread is over two weeks or so old, it is always best to create your own thread rather than reviving something older - especially when it’s been dead for over two years now. What was the issue back in the day isn’t likely to be the same now, due to the fact that hotfixes, patches and even expansions have gone by to change the game and it’s data in all sorts of ways in the great time passed.

That said - it looks like there is one active right now. For future reference, you can go to and change the header from the default “Featured” to “Legion” like you’ll see here in this screencap:

Right under the little map graphic, you’ll see that there is a little over four hours left for an assault in Highmountain. When you zone into there, you should get a quest pop up for you to do the four quests (at least), then proceed on to the next stage of the assault.