my main by the way is starsandeath
Nerâzhul was connected to several other realms actually. Cairne, Perenolde, Cenarius, Korgath, Blackmoore, Frostmane, Nerâzhul, Tortheldrin are all connected. They still technically exist as realms though, meaning if your character was on Frostmane prior to the connection it would still be there.
Only if you transferred the character off of the realm would it have moved. In your case, Viciousness, I can see a Human Warrior still on Frostmane. It hasnât gone anywhere.
Have you tried actually switching to that realm in your realm selection list? I donât show that any of your characters on Frostmane have been logged into since the end of February. Just Nerâzhul and Tichondrius mostly, and the questionably named character on Bonechewer.
Try using the Unable to Move self-help option, Gebil.
Yes⌠I know that is a legit question that you have to ask. But I have had to LOG INTO Frostmane every time I wanted to play that Warrior, so why would all of a sudden I feel that I wouldnât have to log into Frostmane? I no longer see the Frostmane server. Which is why I was assuming it was merged and gone. I have looked for it on Realm Selection and Even used the little Characters tab to show me all the servers that I have a Character on, and Iâm pretty sure we can all assume what server is missing.
I like the question though about switching relm lists though, because you know tich and nerâzhul are same realmsâŚ
Iâm not denying it is there⌠I just donât have it⌠thanks for the screen shot though
Welp mystery kinda solved? I found it but it wasnât registering anyone on it⌠now it does. so Cheers everyone, i can finally stop checking forums
If you was away for a long while, you have to actually log onto the server to populate the characters on it.