Issue isnt in the character problem menu

My Monk which I am leveling through legion assaults is experiencing issues today. Last night It was fine, and all the other characters on my account are fine.
When I attack I cant generate Chi points. spells dont actually cast. they just go on cool-down .Cant leave combat (even when mobs run and reset). If i manage to kill a target suddenly the game catches up and I have all my chi. Doing a /reload exits me from combat. When I died from gank, I couldnt release my spirit. I just stood there stuck. It took relogging wow to get myself to release. Then when I re-spawn I end up just stuck in ghost form able to walk around but not actually spawn… A relog of wow fixed that, but the problem is reoccurring. When I mount i just sorta run in the air no mount actually spawns.
I disabled all my addons. and did a full reset of the UI.
This is happening on two computers now and only on my monk.

Also the character problem menu in the support window is very limited and only one actually covers gameplaying issues…


That still really sounds like a UI issue. I’d suggest trying another UI Reset after doing a reboot of your computer:

Edit: Maybe try toggling Warmode too and see if that makes a difference.


I’d agree with Perl that much of what you are describing sounds like an issue with an addon or corrupted file, though some also sound like your game is getting out of sync (which usually means a connection issue).

I’d recommend doing a full UI reset, to return the game to default. If that doesn’t help, or doesn’t resolve all the issues, I’d start with the following:

And reach out to our Technical Support staff if it persists.

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ill work on the slow and choppy gameplay option. i redid my ui for a second time and i can now re-spawn but thats about it. I tried to open a technical support ticket but the submit button was always grayed out no matter what I entered.

atm i made a /reload macro and thats letting me finish the assault

You usually need to attach files like the Dxdiag, etc… for tech tickets, so keep an eye out for that.

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well It took straight up reinstalling wow to fix the issue.