Isle Of Conquest for Dummies

OK there is a whole lot of confusion on this BG. What I will attempt to accomplish in this post is to lay out what is currently viable and what is not by discussing the following simple topics: Note will not be covering resource nodes as unless you are turtling (which you shouldn’t be) they are insignificant.

  1. BG Objective
  2. Why hangar is best option
  3. Why Workshop and docks (if not buffed) are currently worthless
  4. 2 strats that should get you the win

Isle of Conquest Objective: breach the enemy teams fortified keep using One/all/combination of 3 node objectives that give access to breaching vehicles and bombs. After breaching the enemy keep you PVE the Boss before your boss dies and collect loot. Each node has a GY to include keeps that can be controlled by either team allowing your team access to spawn points. Capturing the enemy keep allows you to rez at the boss and is vital (however not completely necessary) for victory. The next section will cover the 3 nodes and the various vehicles acquired there.

**Hangar and why it is currently the best option: ** To the East on the hill is the Hangar. After you capture this point you get access to an airship with cannons that cannot be attacked or destroyed. The airship does make a wide circle moving in and out of range of the enemy base and does take several passes to destroy a gate. You can also parachute into the enemy base and run bombs, kill defenders, destroy turrets. The ranged cannon can be used for the following:

  1. Destroy enemy gates: main reason to get this asset is to destroy the enemy gate wall allowing you to assault the enemy keep and boss.

  2. Clear out the enemy base and other nodes: Hangar cannon have great range and can be used (depending on position) to kill people attacking your front gate, going to your keep, bombard workshop and enemy demos.

  3. Clear out the hangar node if being attacked.

The reason why the Hangar is the best option is twofold:

  1. The airship cannot be destroyed: unlike demos and glaives who are easily destroyed; the airship cannot be attacked (they should really change the base turrets to have a secondary harpoon fire that can attack/kill the airship) or destroyed. This means if you get control of hangar and can successfully defend hangar and kill the demos and glaives in a timely manner you will breach the enemy keep first more than 90% of the time. If you breach the enemy keep and keep the hangar; the airship will wipe their team allowing you to easily cap the keep GY.

  2. The location of the hangar is on the highest ground providing the best possible defensive position and allowing for a bird’s eye view of the whole BG; allowing you to easily spot incoming. With the plethora of knockbacks in the game you can easily hold the hangar against a much larger group until your airship comes around to bombard the area cleaning up the invaders.

Hangar Recap: Can’t be destroyed, easily defensible, unstoppable siege.

Workshop and why it currently sucks: In the middle of the BG is the workshop. Once you cap this node you immediately get access to several stacks of bombs and 4 siege catapults that have two atack options:

  1. A ranged catapult

  2. A close quarter battering ram

However if you keep the Workshop long enough you get a beefed up siege that if fully manned and with a decent driver can lay some really good siege. However You will probably have to use this siege to clear your base r take hangar due to Hangar destroying your base while it is defended by 3 people.

The current issue with the workshop is:

  1. They have very little health due to current dmg output and most will die before reaching the enemy keep. 2-3 dot classes (Spriest/Aff lock/boomy/Sin rogue/feral) can mow down a demo in no time. Even of you get to the keep they cant be healed/repaired and you have to juggle killing the enemy players, enemy turrets and pray the people actually getting in them have a clue no to sit at the gate in the fire.

  2. NO ONE RUNS BOMBS: 20-30 people go mid. 4 people get in demos and maybe 5 people get bombs. Yet 12-20 people will go to “defend demos” WITHOUT BOMBS; and once the demos are dead THEY ALL STAND AT THE ENEMY GATE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME; or until they die.

Docks and why it sucks: To the West is the docks. If you capture this node you get access to 2 sieges:

  1. glaive thrower: two attack options, a long range high damage glaive and a short range spread dmg cluster of glaives. The main attack has great range and can pump out great damage.

  2. catapult: this small cart has a speed option and a catapult option. The catapult option will launch you to the destination of your choosing. The typical choice is into the enemy base where you can run bombs from the inside.

The current issue with Docks: The glaives have little to no health and are easily oneshot no matter how much defense you have. There is ALMOST WITHOUT UNCERTAINTY THAT THEY WILL DIE before they do any relative damage. The catapults get you in the wall yet if you dont have a competent team inside to WORK TOGETHER it really is pointless if you can only run a few bombs before you die or if thee is 20 people in the keep and only 4 bombs can be run at a time.

2 Strats to win:

  1. Hangar Assault: You go in mass force and take Hangar in a big team fight. This is the typical horde stat that more often than not goes uncontested by ally because they typically still believe Workshop and Docks can win. (Was literally told by someone, “Well it worked Once”).

This strat works if you KNOW YOU CAN WIN HANGAR. Note In my plethora of BG exp Horde healers outheal ally healers (As a collective) in PUG BGs immensely. So if you are Ally and dont have a few more healers than the Horde I would not try this strat.

Once you take Hangar you man the gunship and send people to jump into the enemy base and run bombs. You keep a small group of defenders to hold Hangar and call incoming. You send majority of your force to kill the demos and glaives. From here on out you harass workshop and docks taking them if you can (holding them is not the objective) otherwise you are reinforcing hangar when needed and killing demos and glaives.

Once the enemy keep wall is down; you kill the boss and collect loot.

  1. Fake mid and backdoor Hangar Assault: You go majority mid with some docks and once you capped them and the horde are killing the sieges (demos/glaives/catapults) you send your workshop force to Hangar and overrun it in force, capture and hold it. This is how I typically win 99% of my IoC as Ally. Once you have taken Hangar you swap to the Hangar strat:

Once you take Hangar you man the gunship and send people to jump into the enemy base and run bombs. You keep a small group of defenders to hold Hangar and call incoming. You send majority of your force to kill the demos and glaives. From here on out you harass workshop and docks taking them if you can (holding them is not the objective) otherwise you are reinforcing hangar when needed and killing demos and glaives.

I hope this has been informative and helpful and may be useful learning tool for future BGing wins.


I will have to check this out later, possibly to argue some points. I think you can win with any node(s). It just depends on if your team - and the enemy’s - knows what to do with each node.


It’s all about controlling quarry and refinery tbh. They add a lot of damage. You put a lot of work into that guide I see though! But like Pip said, it’s all dependent on your team and theirs. I have definitely won a few with just WS and docks.


I’ve lost exclusively to docks.

I believe there are key points irrelevant to “which node you take”. Like Jugaa said it’s pretty much essential to control Quarry and Refinery all game. I believe this is a big reason why people argue over which node is best. In one game, they have Refinery and Quarry so Workshop has 30%, in the next game they have Hangar without Refinery and Quarry so it looks weaker. In the next game they have Quarry and Refinery so Hangar looks amazing.

They each add 15% vehicle damage (applies to glaives, demos, siege airship, etc). By controlling both, you not only have 30% damage (15% + 15%), you are denying it to the enemy.

Any node can win, and all of them are very powerful if used correctly.

From personal experience Docks is actually the most powerful since they buffed it, but as you mention the glaives themselves are very frail. But due to the frailty of the glaives, it’s easily the most “fumbled” opportunities. However, with “Wintergrasp” catapults added to Docks now, it’s easier than ever to defend them, at least for a while. Stack those catas on the glaives, and put a bunch of dudes that know how to defend things. The gate will be destroyed faster than hangar and workshop pounding on it, I promise.

Workshop is similar to Docks/Glaives, although the risk/reward is not quite as extrem. The vehicles are a little bit more hardy, but don’t do as much damage. They still need player defense, though. A few melee will wreck the whole caravan.

Hangar is convenient, and that’s often why people favor it. The airship itself can’t be shot down so there’s little responsibility involved as well as a fraction of the risk of failure. All you need to worry about is making sure the node doesn’t get capped.

However, defense wins IoC, particularly if you’re going for a “hangar only” strat. Unchecked glaives and demos will destroy your gate wayyyyyyyy faster than the airship will destroy theirs.

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You are thinking of the workshop vehicles as a means of knocking down the gate. They aren’t good for that. They are GREAT for attacking hanger and slaughtering enemies. From hanger you can protect workshop by firing down on the flag with sieges. The sieges are really important for for once the gates go down to clear the defense, take the gy AND to hold off anyone trying to mess with the offense attacking the boss.

Also: You missed the changes. There are now 3 glaives and the catapults now launch plague barrels ala wintergrasp. Both good for attacking players as well.

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Keep in mind that you can win many of ways, and what if any situation to death and just because you won a few times with just docks or lost to just bombs that is not the typical result. And this is more toward pugs in the current BG.

And while quarry and refinery are great they mean little if the sieges never reach the keep.

That’s what we’re telling you. Your OP makes it sound like Hanger is the only way.

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Yeah and this is false. Any node can win if you play the proper strat having that node requires. And it varies.

The last thing anyone needs is more people so insistent on Hangar they ignore Docks completely and Glaives blow our gate off the hinges in a minute and 45 seconds.

They mean a lot if hanger airship cannons and bombs are your only offense

It is the most valid way to win with the least amount of variability yet saying that sort of defeats the title

But that’s dependent if you have good defense at your keep to destroy demos and glaives and bomb runners.

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Quarry and Refinery buffs all the vehicles, including the airship and glaives. By “siege damage” they don’t mean the siege engine only. They mean all anti-wall weapons.

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I never said it didnt buff the airship. My point is that airship cant be destroyed; is easily defended and the other sieges are very easily destroyed. I actually said that they are insignificant to the strat “for dummies” I am providing.

LOL true. But every strat is dependent on the participants actually doing what they are “suppose to do”. Once again this strat has the least variables and caters to typical play.

People always cry about people fighting mid. We goo fight mid and kill the demos and glaives.

People always taking the demos to Egypt? Running the glaives into the water? Cool let them we getting hangar.

Not wanting this to be a pissing co test of well what if “frogs had longer legs they wouldn’t bump their butts when they hopped.” We could literally what if this to death.

Easy pug wins = least amount of variability and direction and thinking on majority of the groups part.
A. Take hangar
B. Defend hangar
C. Man gunship
D. Kill demo/glaives
E. Kill boss
F. Collect loot

It is literally that easy.

A hanger only strat will lose if Glavies are not brought down… Glavies destroys wall faster than both airship guns and seige

That is like literally stated in the strat. Besides you breathe on thenglaives and they die

Not anymore actually … they are still fragile but they were beefed few weeks back. They don’t die to dots as they did earlier.

You didn’t say that it did either. But you did say:

Bzzzzzzzzzzt. Meanwhile, if they have quarry and refinery a glaive from 200m away from the keep could potentially bring your wall down before you’ve killed the boss if you’re cocky with a 60% 20% wall lead. They might be destroyable, but the other side of the coin they don’t need to fly away and “reload” or whatever the airships do every couple minutes.

Quarry and Refinery are easily two of the most important nodes on the map and your guide doesn’t mention it at all. When we brought them up you seem more interested in arguing about that like we’re in IoC /1 chat, instead of thinking “ah shoot I forgot to mention those, let me add that”.

I simply like hangar since it almost eliminates the “bad driver”.

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And the “bad/nonexistant escort group”. For sure, that’s it’s main advantage. They all have pros and cons.

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I don’t know what the OP is squawking off about…

But the title of this thread is right! Isle of Conquest is for dummies.

Like the one Human Ret who thought he could dethrone me, but instead got an all paid expenses trip to the graveyard.