Isle Of Conquest for Dummies

Hangar is important to either negate or control… horde cant just be like “okay go for mid and docks” and ignore hangar a thousand percent.
oil and quarry are super important too, just as important as slowing down hangar.

What do you like on your poutine eh?

But the airship IS very easily destroyed. You “destroy” it by a 10-second channel on a single flag. Conversely, if you cap workshop or docks, all vehicles already being driven stay in the game. And if you have both workshop and docks while one gets taken…you still have half your offense.

I’m with the “there are multiple viable strats” crowd. And I will add, it’s important to remember this isn’t a game played in a vacuum; there’s another team opposing you with its own collective brain, and the best strat is countering that brain while putting together a strat of your own, part of which should be determined by what the other team is doing.

If they all rush hangar, the winning strat isn’t “we must have hangar so we’ll all rush it as well and have a massive 40v40 brawl”.

While you can win with different strategies, in my experience the Hangar is very good for Alliance, as part of their overall strategy. Alliance can get there first and with a good group, take it during the fight and then during a long fight for Hangar you get the GY and can start shooting from the gunship. The Alliance gunship can shoot the Hangar flag area, while Horde cannot. I have seen Alliance wipe 10-20 Horde attacking Hangar that only has a few Alliance defenders left, thanks to gunship.

The gunship cannon seat, is always good way to rack up the kills, so I am surprised when I see empty seats, after too many people jump off over a Keep.

Horde have problems defending Siege engines, they are usually off doing something else (still trying to get the Hangar) and without help the Sieges die pretty quick, so a few good Alliance defenders can slow them down, while the Hangar does its job.

As always it does depend how things go for your team, a few things go wrong for either side and confidence evaporates and a team can just give up, while other times big come backs and surprise wins, makes it a nice kind of random.

regular just fries and gravy and curd

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Every time Horde has taken hangar only, we have lost. That strat requires some heavy defense to destroy both demos and glaives. Horde is not used to playing defensively in IoC so throwing out theoretical advantages to hangar instead of using a strat that compliments our strength is probably not the best thing to advise. I’ve been winning many games taking Mid and Docks, while attacking west gate so idk.

IMO alliance are good with seige vehicles… they place them properly to take out the tower guns . Horde are terrible at it . While Horde are good at running bombs and using the airship . I think it’s because alliance always run down the middle and win the Workshop more often than not while horde always run away to the hanger .
Docks are the key… if Glavies are not destroyed the game is over . You don’t need control of the docks but you do need a 3-4 man team always destroying Glavies .

@OP and everyone else.

It’s not which node you control, It’s how you use what you control.
I’ve lost many matches with the Hanger and lost just as many with it. Controlling the Hanger is not a guarantee one way or the other.

If a team decides to turtle, it can win and not even control a single node.

I’ve just seen workshop + docks win 3 times in a row.

As the saying goes, opinions are like a****les : everyone has one. Yours is cute.

OP is not wrong ., Hanger is the best base in IOC but need a solid defense to go along with it to win .

Please… please keep going to the hanger. Been winning a lot when the Alliance hits the hanger and then they sit their with 10 people so the Horde doesn’t take it. So we just take the 2 nodes and and the mid and glaives and its a quick GG…

I think it’s a lot more complex than this. Hangar is great and all, but when the Horde take hangar they need to focus on mid. Hangar has low visibility for the gate that the Glaives would need to attack. Like previously stated, the quarry and refinery are incredible important and are a necessity.

This one time in IoC 30 people say in keep with boss and just kept wiping the other team so clearly that is the best strat.

My point being this isnt about what works and what doesnt work and what if everyone did what they were suppose to and people actually peeled for healers and cc’d or focused the enemy healers. Yes lots of strats works when people do what they should and the enemy team doesnt do what they need to as a counter. And yes every game will have a variation based on that particular BG as a result of what that particular enemy is doing.

So A gets hangar and B gets WS/D
A needs to defend hangar and kill sieges
B needs to defend sieges and attack hangar
A and B need to get either or both quarry and refinery

Any variations/deviation outside of this will cause a need for a equal counter variation/deviation.

This is what makes PVP fun for most as it is not scripted. However this concept is sadly lost on a large majority of BG players who for whatever the reason are sadly oblivious/unable to take a moment from pewpewing to consider what needs to be done.

With this in mind the easiest/simplest/ minimal variable strat is the one I am proposing. Are there other strats? Yes. Are they equally viable? Yes. Are they as mindnumbingly easily? I would argue no.

OP’s reasoning and strategy is solid. Sure you can come up with examples and scenarios will WS/Docks could win but that doesn’t disprove what he is saying. The majority of the time with randoms the Hangar is going to be best, and if both sides play perfectly the Hangar would be best.

Yet I’ve been in several games where we had too many nodes and ended up losing.

Like we had docks and workshop and were doing okay. Then we managed to get Hangar too and ended up losing the nodes we were relying on and lost the game in the end. It’s a spreading resources too thin issue.

I guess it’s similar to those AB random bg’s where nobody’s content to just defend what we have, and spend the rest of the game scrambling because we keep losing points.

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This is wrong though. If you have WS and Docks, you can actually ignore Hanger (maybe send a few to keep their defense up there busy) As long as they don’t have refinery/quarry, the airship cannon really doesn’t do a whole lot tbh, and it’s not constant damage since the ship moves.

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I can argue that what you are saying is wrong that all you have to do is kill WS/dock sieges and the quarry/refinery are useless to them.

Still nitpicking

Demos and glaives easily wipe out players with their damage.

This guide is outdated to be honest :thinking:

Docks is actually capable of single-handedly winning games now, it got buffed considerably with the latest patch. I’ve lost to JUST docks on both Horde and Alliance side, to say it’s “useless” is simply false

As long as you have a group protecting the glaives 24/7 you can drop a gate in like ~2-3 minutes, the glaives damage racks up pretty quick - especially if you control Quarry and Refinery

I’ve been in games where the other team got hangar and mid, and we STILL won simply because we protected our glaives while they melted the gate

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Useless guide, just storm docks. Docks is how you win because the glaives do so much damage to the walls that there’s not even a point to anything else. The team that has 3 glaives up wins in under 5 minutes.

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