Island Expedition Rewards update 8.1

You will no longer need to farm rares for increased chance and specific rewards during IEs. You will be able to speed run and have the same chance of getting rewards based on what creatures are on the Islands.


This just strikes me as more Meh.


Doesn’t make it any less boring to play them. Interests in doing them is still very low.


So many negative nancies. I personally am really happy about this, as a collector. I enjoy expeditions and can do them the right way again.


Yeah, I can see the reason for that change. We’re heading back to zerging and arguments about efficiency/reward targeting I suppose, but that’s not really anything new.

I don’t really mind them. They’re basically just group quests. Jump in, murder some stuff, get a bit of a reward, repeat.

I did my first ie last night and I dont see what all the crying is about. The only thing I dont like is you have to que at the table, but que time is so short even thats not to bad. Thanks for posting that article op. Ive been wondering how the drops work.

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Now drops work way better too, in my opinion, and there’s a point to doing them on higher difficulties!

This should also solve the kicking problem people bring up. They stated clearly that the entire group has a chance. Granted it’s that way now, but people are just rude. Who knows.

I think this is an excellent change.

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You do it few times and you start to hate it .

At least I do . I never do it anymore not even to collect the weekly quest .

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I agree. Hopefully it means people won’t be getting kicked from them anymore.


To be as kind as possible: yeah I really enjoyed my FIRST island expedition as well.


I would feel better if they hadn’t reduced the drop rates for normal to so low. After their initial increase to drop rates, normal was still dropping better good and then a week or so after that you are lucky to even get dubloons.

I much prefer doing normal, then I don’t have 600g repair bills but with almost a 0% drop rate there isn’t much point. My time is better spent on the ah and then just buying pets - a lot more time efficient and cost effective as well actually.

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Island Expiditions arent really my cup of tea. I usually only do them for the weekly and occasionally if there is a good chance for a mount. But either way it’s a good change overall that will have groups sticking together rather than each member trying to prioritize rares over collecting azerite quicker.

I enjoyed my FIRST world quest and dungeon. Nothing wrong with having a bit of variety

Yes, but the island expeditions are meant to be done about five to seven times a week for presumably the entire life of the expansion.

The only way they get harder is by upping the difficulty to Mythic or trying the PVP ones. Because there is no group composition the islands have to be somewhat simple and doable by three DPS. Because of this there’s not really any mechanics to any of these enemies other than don’t stand in the bad thing.

Dungeons can have their difficulties slowly ramped up forever providing more and more reasons to go back and challenge yourself if you’re into that. Island Expeditions are neat but after the 50th one they really just feel like boring trash clears, much like after the 50th world quest you’ve kind of seeing everything they have to offer and there is no increase in challenge or variety.

That would explain why I never get like ANYTHING in normal. I didn’t know they did that. Frustrating indeed ><

I agree, And for those that dislike them and only do them for weeklies, I think it will be much faster since groups will probably cooperate now too!


I have mixed feelings about the change.

I mainly run heroics for the que and lack of interest from friends in running them.

When the invasions and portals and elites became focus it actually added some cool things to the island. It was kind of fun when you had a group aiming for these things.

On the other hand it did take more time, you had to aware of what was going on, which in a random que not everyone was on the same page. Plus there were plenty of people just in it for the azerite who did not care for the cosmetics.

So there are pros and cons with this change. We will have to wait and see what else they tweak on these. I feel they are getting closer to making them somewhat enjoyable.

I was doing them… then they reduced the drop rate to zip so I stopped. I may give them another try but I doubt it.




You must be doing them on normal. I did them on heroic over the weekend and got either a quest or piece of blue transmog or dubloons every time - along with a 400g plus repair bill.

Still as much RNG as anything else though. For the last couple months I’ve been farming Normals for the weekly with a guild group and at least one of us has gotten something out of every single one. Not necessarily something desired, but something nonetheless.

It isn’t - the rates of drops for normals was greatly reduced. I did heroics over the weekend and almost everyone I got something.

I did a lot right after they increased the drop rates and for a week or so you would get a lot from normals - then they nerfed the rates for that difficulty.