Is Zekvir ? even possible with Hunter?

Yeah, and for this fight, the boss is my focus for my interrupt macro. I need dual focus. :slight_smile:

Well, you can add a line to the misdirection macro like

/use [target=Brann,nodead] Misdirection

anywhere before the pet line.

I did this as BM at about 618ish, I think. I attempted this over multiple days with different builds and finally got this done.
I imagine there are lots of ways to approach this. This is what worked for me.

Pet Taunt Off
You are mostly face tanking this and sometimes Brann
I only MD to Brann

I hit the boss several times before I let my pet go in and my pet only died once in the fight.

I took my Delve build and then got rid of things I didnā€™t need and tried to buff my pet as best as I could.

I used a new UI set up for my bars with only the things I needed for the fight. And I moved my spells around to help me remember that I was changing my rotation.

I adjusted my gear to give me increased speed - I find my reaction time is a bit slower now and I kept barely getting clipped by things.

I had Hearty Food and Flasks and the typical. I also healed a soldier in the Hallowfall infirmary which gives a 2 hour buff that heals a small amount every 5 or 10 seconds. Lasts through death.

Used Brann as heals and Amorphous Relic and Porcelain Arrow

This is not a DPS race. It is a long haul mechanics fight.

I saved BW, DB and most KC for the eggs. I was mostly just trying to maintain frenzy stacks with an occasional CS or KC on Zek

Keep him in the center of the room and you are less likely to have the egg spawn in a corner.

You need to stay close enough to get out of fear but not so far you canā€™t avoid the cone (speed helps)

Only Disengage for Spittle, if Brann doesnā€™t get it. This was SO HARD, because I use disengage all the time.

And Disengage TOWARDS OR THROUGH the boss. I tend to move away and would then get caught in the cone. This was very hard to train myself to do.

There is a rhythm to the fight of constantly moving out and then back in.

Macro to target boss and cast interrupt and then back to last target. Seemed the heal would often happen when dpsing the egg. This interrupts and gets you back on the egg.

Blew all cooldowns on egg and once it did spawn but Intimidate DOES interrupt and gave me a chance to finish it off.

If you stay close to him and keep him near the middle, Brannā€™s pots are more likely to be near you and not on the other side of the room.

When Zek melees you, there will be 3 hits and likely kill you, especially if he crits. This is when you run over the healing pots. If you are staggering a few seconds between each one, the initial heal and heal over time will get you through it as you run away.

I also had my own healing pots and the Cave Dweller ones as well.

Phase 1 is awful and nearly all my attempts were getting through this. Once I got to Phase 2, it was less than 20 attempts to finish it.

Phase 2, you need to avoid standing between the portals because the spell damage travels through them

Top down camera to avoid the spikes.

The 4 Orbs are cast from his Front, Back and 2 Sides, so look at how he is facing.

I never watched his health during the fight until I realized he was nearly dead and nearly scuffed it.

My fight was nearly 10 minutes long because I was extra careful to have enough dps for the egg and was likely overly cautious.

It took me just over 300 attempts and I donā€™t care who knows that. Iā€™ll bet half of them were a fail in the first minute because I was always too far away or getting clipped.

I made a ton of mistakes and needed to change a lot of muscle memory. I kept tweaking my rotation and approach. I also panic easily and tend to get focused on the next thing coming and bork what I am doing.

Once I recognized the rhythm of the fight and how to use the healing pots effectively, things changed.

This fight is brutal. However, if I can squeak my way through then any of you can as well.

I hope some of this helps
Good Luck to everyone still working on this.


Mine definitely worked. I could see the little animation above his head when I did it.

Yes, it is.

Found it and thank you for your kind response to my other post, I have done much of what you have done and continue to find it difficult, I will review your post and give it another shot. Id say Iā€™ve attempted this at least 100 times what truly is troubling to me is, this will be a 10 min fight for me as well, the few videos I found they seem able to do it quicker one says he did it in 4 minutes, I realize there have been some updates since august of last year, but how can someone do it so easily and we are having these problems? Its like my character just will not move fast enough.

ā€œI made a ton of mistakes and needed to change a lot of muscle memory. I kept tweaking my rotation and approach. I also panic easily and tend to get focused on the next thing coming and bork what I am doing.ā€ ā€” This too.

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Some classes have a much easier time. Since you canā€™t tank with your pet, it fumbles our typical rotation.

You gotta learn the rhythm. There is some RNG but I found that some things were fairly consistent, like always move in closer after the fear.

You only have 1/3 of my attempts and I have well functioning hands. Donā€™t feel bad. I only watched one video and that guy was constantly at low health so it made me feel better.

And seriously, I spoke to myself, constantly.
Move closer
Donā€™t disengage until the spittle
Watch my health
Notice where the pots are
Wait in pots for melee
Keep him mid

Iā€™m sure I sounded like a crazy person.


No you donā€™t sound crazy, the crazy person is literally the person that pretends all of this is easy and BM hunter is an easy class to play and believes its utilities come without major flaws compared to other classes with much better survivability as stated in my original post.

Whats great about your post is, its telling me Iā€™m not alone.

Thank you for that.


I have several friends that are very strong Heroic Raiders and do Mythics in the 10 plus range and they havenā€™t done this yet.

Itā€™s a different approach and not a dps race. Itā€™s a mechanics fight. You are absolutely not alone.

There will always people to pop in and say, ā€œBah, it was easy. Get Gud!ā€ I find that placing those people on ignore, makes my forum experience much nicer.

Everyone has something that is a challenge. This is ours.


Just did Z?? as BM, lot of good advice here. Just wanted to add thisā€¦ā€¦

I did NOT use misdirect on Bran, though I did turn off growl like others. I accepted that I was the tank and didnā€™t want to split threat. The important part was that Zekvir not 1-shot my pets.

I ran Dark Ranger and opened with Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Dire Beast, Mend Pet, Barbed x2, Beastial Wrath, Barbed x2, Black Arrow.

I ran over brans healing pots in the middle of that because it worked. Zekvir was wailing on me. I bassically cast a bunch of ā€˜hit meā€™ build threat abilities way before my first kill command.

After that opening salvo, I just focused on mechanics and rotated abilities as normal.

I used a core puppy/hati as my winning pet combo.

I dumped multi-target talents to get more points for single target.

I lusted at the end of the 60% intermission.

During the 60% intermission I slowed down, took a breath as just lobbed 1 barbed shot to keep my 3 stack from dropping off.

Even with Bran healing I did end up using exhilaration twice on my winning fight.

It took a fair number of attempts. Basically enough to be very familiar with Zā€™s ability timings and for the nerves to go away so that I didnā€™t get jittery and fat finger the wrong ability at the wrong time.


Gratz!! Nice to see more people getting this done.

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Just a heads up, I got this done as well. I focused hard core on getting my ilvl up (was 623 when I finished it). I did try misdirecting to Brann a few times (built a macro just target Brann, cast misdirect, and go back to what I had targeted) but stopped using it as it didnā€™t matter, I had agro back 0.1 second later anyway. In my final run, I just played it smooth until about 15% when I lusted and ignored everything from there on out. I also found keeping my pet dismissed until the first add spawns was the way to avoid my pet dieing. Glad itā€™s over.


Nicely done. Iā€™m seeing more people stick with this and conquering this obnoxious boss.
Letā€™s do it again next season. lol

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I was wondering if you are still working on this? If you are still having specific issues, I can try to help

Hereā€™s what worked for me:

Yes you have to face tank it. Yes your pwt wil die if taunt is on. Its counterintuitive but its just how it is.

Stay in the middle. Stay close to the boss so you can side step his abilities. If you dont its almost a guarantee youā€™ll get cause in his fan shaped aoe. If you do side step easy peasy.

Save disengage for the spittle. Dont count on Bran to dispell it. This was a hard one for me as disengage is my reflex ā€œoh sheetā€ button. Yes it will be up each time.

Very important!! Stagger Branā€™s healing pots. Dont freak out and use them all at once unless its an absolute emergency. Keep one rolling on you at all times, esp when youā€™re face tanking him.

Dont be late on the eggs. Save burst for them but at 615+ thats not a hard requirement. If the spider hatches you can stun his cast and possibly save a wipe but really just dont let it happen.

Rinse and repeat for P2 but stay away from the portals and out of the circle they make because they sort of face each other and send out bad stuff. Also his fear now shoots 4 balls out of his body. Front, back, and each side if i recall. Watch his positioning and adjust yours accordingly.

Breathe, consciously relax your body, dont panic, and you will get it. Its not a dps race except for the egg. You got this!