Is Wrath "dead"?

I keep reading about the whole of wotlk being a raid log expansion and that playing casually pugging and doing PvP isn’t really an option.

Are the leveling zones empty? Is anyone playing normally still?

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not dead but it turned into retail lobby based game

Spend the hour it takes to roll a character on one of the decent sized servers and see for your self…or don’t and feed another one of these bait threads that the same 4 or 5 people doom post on and some random low level alt toons with no post history echo unverifiable babble.

I can’t speak for all aspects but on Whitemane there are ample raid and dungeon groups of all varieties at most hours 7 days a week.


Currently having more fun leveling another squad of characters in Classic Hardcore than playing my (2) L80 Druids or (2) L79 Paladins in LKClassic.

I expect that’ll change when we finally get RDF.

If people are raid logging they are technically still playing normally :slight_smile:

I logged in yesterday and had 3 different pug groups asking me to join their ToGC.

on faerlina horde theres ppl still doing things and dungeons are bein ran in all levels. jj is helping a lot rn but im p much sittin in 1 spot and dungeon spammin like ima do for my 17 druid esp when rdf comes in lol

Rough estimates for population are:

Era: 18k
Wrath: 380k
Retail: 500k
Hardcore: no clue

There’s definitely more as these are only counting the people raiding.

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Raid logging IS playing casually…

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What if you raid log on 10 characters?

a true review about Wrath-classic

Nope they are packed and active.

Of course

It’s not, Raiding is just one part of the game and in Wrath there is so much more than that. The only Raids I do is in WPvP currently.

Wrath is arguably the best PvP expansion. I’m in a big PvP guild we usually have 90 people online. On Grob there are constant WPvP raids and city defense. The cities are packed, as well as most zones.

I see about 100 people in SW and players working on professions, leveling and playing the game. WPvP and PvP is end game for me though.

Retail has a lot more day to day activities and prev xpacs content than Wrath.

All Wrath/TBC/Era have is raididing.
Retail also has M+. You can literally run M+ 24/7, and you can get groups into keys 24/7.

If you don’t like retail, that’s fine. But don’t lie.

I do see alot of people in dalaran but… mmm I think people are just waiting for ICC or leveling rn for rdf. :man_shrugging: Retail feels more popular. :cloud_with_rain:

Basing it off the Deathlog addon download count, seems to be about 120-150k

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Working on my 8th alt and having blast with 6 other classes (not playing druid at all).
If you one of who play only 1 characters than it’s normal case when nothing to do at the end of xpac. Raiding on 4-5 classes/week really takes all time that I can spare on a game. And yeah. It’s raid logging for each of them :rofl: :wink:

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago… The second best time is now.

The game isn’t dead everyone who took this experience seriously did so long ago when Naxx was released in phase 1. You want everyone that did that to all roll alts again at the same time? Not gonna happen.

As far as PvP it’s using all realms to make matches so shouldn’t have a issue there unless you’re looking for world PvP… Just wait for RDF?

Leveling and endgame will both be better when ICC drops, along with RDF. Arguably the most popular raid in WoW’s history alongside the best tool for leveling alts and catching up to endgame

How much better? That remains to be seen. But definitely better than it is now

It’s dead for leveling. Just wait till they add the RDF and it’ll be playable again…