Is Wrath "dead"?

Stiches has 92,000 accounts
Defias Pillager has 90,000 accounts
Skull Rock has 54,000 accounts

Those are just the top three HC realms. It’s actually huge, and getting close to Wrath numbers.

I’ve started on benediction alliance, and I’ve been seeing plenty of people starting as well. There will also be an increase of players as we get closer to the icc and rdf release on 10/12.

Sort of dead. I just resubbed to get ready for RDF. Got a few level 15’s ready to go. Everyone seems to just raid log and the open world is going to be really dead in a couple weeks when RDF/ICC come out. But once the patch hits it’ll be alive again for a couple months.

we are all still here

Yes, most people raid log during this expansion. There’s not really any in-game incentive to stay logged on outside of raiding. Luckily there’s enough people that there’s always a pug raid going on at any given time.

PvP isn’t a big thing right now. There’s this long on going issue where every battleground has bots taking up spots on your team and it makes for bad matches.

The leveling experience is pretty much solo play the majority of the time.

Still alive and well.

Depends on how you look at it. I don’t play to raid just the casual fun it seems pretty good so far. Leveling seems fun again (level 10 hunter and level 8 warlock). It actually makes you think on things like I only x amount of sliver what skill should I learn to help me or taking path that’s safe coz you don’t want to die. I do see a few other players here and there.

Retail is dead compared to Classic. The reason why they are focused so much on Classic lately is because SL killed Retail and DF flopped and is still suffering form the mass exodus of millions of players from SL.

No one wants to do that though. M+ is NOT content and people are over it. M+ is one of the reasons Retail died. It hurt the game. It was an interesting idea and good for 1 expansion. However it shouldn’t of become a focus.

Most people don’t like Retail. Not all of them play Classic they just play other games. Retail being dead isn’t a Classic take. It’s just a gamer take. Gamers don’t want to play Retail WoW. That’s why there was a mass exodus to other games in SL and they didn’t win those players back in DF.

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