seems like toxic players is the reason wpvp died. zerg guilds just do whatever they want in large numbers.
who wants to wpvp when toxic griefers ruin it for everyone?
seems like toxic players is the reason wpvp died. zerg guilds just do whatever they want in large numbers.
who wants to wpvp when toxic griefers ruin it for everyone?
I’d say toxic players and zerg guilds don’t help. I haven’t done much wpvp this expansion just because pvp gearing sucks. Between the addition of warmode and players not wanting to go wpvp by themselves or in a small group only to end up being zerged down by 20+ isn’t my definition of fun. Also, this expansion is actual garbage and with wotlk classic releasing tomorrow it’s only gonna get worse until prepatch.
those are some good points.
I believe y’all are correct and will add that toxic zerg groups griefing WM off RP pretty much sums up the last couple xpacs on ED. Maybe it will level off and get a little better after DF. There’s always hope.
Unfortunately, right now, other realms have plenty of RP and WPvP that happens quite organically everyday. In several weeks of exploring all the options we have available, I have yet to see any WPvP that gets squashed by zergs. Most of the WPvP never gets above 10v10. I have also seen what it’s like to actually RP openly without the constant battering of griefers. Sad but true.
Again, I have hope that ED will be able to right itself but only time will tell.
The reason… is war mode. Instead of everyone on the server on both sides being in a perpetual state of war, now people opt out leaving a very small group. Because of this wpvp has suffered since BFA. BFA had good stuff with the assaults to get people out, sadly shadowlands does not, which kinda killed it all. There is no real benefit to have war mode on any more. I think this is going to change for DF, but we shall see.
There is no doubt that WM and the end of PvP realms has changed the face of WPvP. Especially on ED but all realms have had to deal with WM. A lot of those realms have no trouble getting people involved in RP and PvP. It really reminds me of how ED used to be. Some really great times in The Wash and Arom’s Stand. Cheers.
WM is definitely one of the main reasons wpvp took a hit but I would also throw out that bfa had a much better world to explore than slands. You cant even fly between zones you have to go back through Oribos to get anywhere and taking that much time to get to a fight sucks. I miss drustvar and aroms stand. Argus was also a lot of fun but slands world enviroment has led to the massive drop in wpvp this expansion so far imo.
I totally blame Warmode.
Prior to Warmode players who loved RP and WPvP were funneled to ED. That’s the reason our server was so special.
After Warmode, the RPPvP crowd left for arguably better, less griefed RP and still enjoyed the wpvp when they wanted it.
I will argue that ED has ALWAYS been toxic but warmode really broke the server.
Adapt and overcome sticks in the back of my mind. Would be nice to understand why ED is struggling with that idea. I miss ED.
This and a combination of horrible shadowlands zone design. It honestly takes longer to fly to a new zone than it does to complete a calling.
There’s no incentives either. Late bfa I was 800 honor short of the conqueror achievement from Voldun and that was good enough for me to camp it for a couple of days. Blizzard removed the Deathbringer achievement title and mount because they couldn’t be bothered to fix a bug.
Wpvp gearing and incentives might be what it needs again considering that’s all the reason (assaults bounties etc) people needed in bfa to turn places like drustvar into full scale battlefields
Oh and remove the ungodly amount of sanctuaries nothing makes me wanna pvp less than some hand holding big freaking bubble on half the zone
DF appears to be taking a step in the right direction but in the end it will be up to us to finish that step by actively participating in open zone pvp. We have to show them that this was the right idea. Posting in the forums only goes so far. We have to, all of us hopefully, get out there and start mindlessly slaughtering one another again. I would suggest we all level up with WM on. That should help provide a spark. I’m sure a few of us will end up getting camped at lower levels but that’s what guildies are for, right? It’s up to us.
That’s mostly just Revendreth imo. The other 3 zones were pretty flat, easy to navigate, had spread out flightpoints, had a lot of great wpvp terrain, but the issue was
BfA had the assaults which awarded progression towards your weekly pvp chest, the warmode crates falling from the sky, the conqueror of azeroth meta achievement, the call to arms quests and the nazjatar battles along with the nzoth sliver quests to keep players incentivized to keep pvping out in the world.
This achievement would’ve been good for the first month or so of the xpac. You and I both know players would’ve rushed to get this done and we’d be in the same spot we are now when it comes to wpvp. Blizzard should have fixed whatever issue they were having with this achievement and kept it in the game, but them removing it honestly isnt that big of a loss considering all the other missing incentives previously had in the open world.
Yes, Blizzard should have kept the incentives from BfA in the game with world quests that reward conquest for the casual non-rated players to earn at a slower pace than rated players like they were able to in bfa, they should have made more wpvp events like battle for nazjatar and the assaults in bfa, they shouldnt have taken anything out from bfa, but rather expand upon open world objectives to get players out into the world with warmode enabled.
I also agree with this. The sanctuaries in this game should not exist when warmode is enabled because it stops organic wpvp from occuring. If someone had their raid group stationed outside of the hub in Zereth Mortis, someone could load in and see how many players from the opposing faction are there. Instead of calling their guild of communities they are in for assistance and starting a large wpvp fight that way they simply just go to their talents page and disable warmode because gathering up your guildmates and community friends just is not worth doing since there is genuinely no reason to wpvp unless you want to for the fun of it.
I believe that is where the issue with wpvp dying stems from; there is a lack of reason for anyone to enable warmode and actively search for players and create those large battles we all remember so fondly. There is not a single reason to even be in warmode at max level. I’m hoping in Dragonflight Blizzard reimplements the call to arms quests from BfA, add some world quests that reward honor and conquest so the casual players can slowly gear up, add a currency that players drop which you can use to turn in for cool cosmetics and gear, add world events/objectives akin to the Battle for Nazjatar, the HFP/Terrokar towers and Wintergrasp/TolBarad.
This will never be a reality in modern retail WoW unless Blizzard gives people a reason to be out there which is what I am hoping they do in Dragonflight. Not only would it improve the state and health of world pvp, but it would also improve the state of the game as a whole since it would give people a reason to do something they otherwise wouldnt do along with helping keep content droughts away.
Doesn’t matter with Chromie Time. Each person gets their own phase to level on. That’s another big issue too, all the phasing and sharding in this game, but that’s an issue for another thread.
You can use Chromie time for DF leveling? And what’s with all the artisian quoting? Jeez, what’s next, tapestries?
Yes but only in Warmode
Dear Alliance,
I’m sitting in Org doing nothing. Please come kill me, thank you.
Oh good Lord, I remember you from Solusek Ro! … lol that guild name, and then your name is what got me … Sol Ro split, and you went to the new server and I think I did too? Belegir Wood Elf Ranger. My guild was -Mithril Tower-. Grats on keeping your name and guild name going all of these years.
Holly !!! I remember starting the Fist on Sol Ro and everyone thought that we were going to fail. Now we are here and all those guilds are gone. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished with the Fist. If you remember, we moved from Sol Ro to Druzil Ro and then to Firiona Vi.
I remember we had plenty of talks in game. Those servers had alot of toxicity to them, but to be fair EQ at least in that time period were crazy toxic. If you find yourself looking for a guild let me know. I mentioned you in our guild thread why I didn’t jump in and say anything.
I don’t like poachers. I think it’s really disrespectful a dishonorable, hence why I don’t ever do it. If you ever find yourself looking for help or anything, feel free to let me know. I’ll mail you in game with my info. I still can’t believe this!
Geez I remember all that Solusek Ro toxicity. You caught a lot of crap for pushing RP so hard in EQ at a time when it was all about the top guilds pushing server firsts on big raids. I remember the handmade RP events you would organize and lead. EQ had a certain magical feel for a while, then it didn’t lol. I moved to Druzzil Ro too when the split was offered. If I recall, Druzzil Ro was less toxic, more enjoyable, less camped. Later on I took an offer to move to the Stormhammer server. That was right around when Planes of Power released. And if I recall it was a special server at the time, but I forget why? I ended up selling my account that had Belegir on it to a cop up near Seattle for $600 lol. I went back t EQ a couple years later with a new account, but it was never the same, and after playing WoW it felt incredibly punishing, slow, and not player friendly. Thanks for the assistance offer! I play Tiberius my DK, and Tancred my Paladin. Both human. I also have two older dwarf characters, Naingrim a Hunter, and Obmi a Warrior.
It wasn’t Stormhammer, it was Stromm. I remember it had a higher monthly sub fee and a list of special things about it, IIRC the EQ staff catered more events and other things to the server population? … at 51 it all seems sorta foggy back then lmao.
Yeah, I remember it. It was such a racket. That was EQ Legends. The devs wanted a server to run the story for EQ. That’s what Firiona Vie was originally for. Then they made Legends. Again the suits at SOE, who knew absolutely jack, whined and cried and they didn’t push the story. The suits at SOE were constantly naysaying the RP side of the game.
I did some consulting for them too. It was under the radar. We had a dev in our guild two. Actually two of them. They were taking my ideas and experience from NWN on AOL and Shadows of Yserbius. They were trying to take all that and put it in EQ. That’s why the RP PvP server got made and why and how, Sullen Zek. They thought that people would flock to it and it was a disaster. Legends was even worse.
Do you remember Bloody Kithicor and how you were scouting in the dark elf lands? Oh God that was soooooo fun. That plays a role in why I type so fast today. Their were parts of the battle that I had to do nothing but answer tells to direct guilds. Some slipped through and tried to get through Highpass but I was in a group there and we had a choke point setup and killed them the moment they got there.
It was glorious! God I loved that. We had over 1500 people in that war. I talked to
GM Hideaki and he told me that we were the first server to finish the event. On another server I heard that the dark elven army made it all the way to Qeynos. Crazy man! God what I would give to be able to go through that again. I am on my alt but I am switching to Bane right now and I will send you my bnet and Disc. I’m private like that after having to deal with some mentally ill stalkers. Sad but true LOL.