Is wpvp dead because of toxic players?

wpvp is dead because.
1.) WM is opt out-able so people just turn it off.
2.) There are no rewards attached to wm on so average players have no reason to turn it on
3.) This expansion is bad so a large portion of the playerbase has quit


Don’t forget zone phasing!!!

So much fun when half your group disappears all of a sudden


They didn’t have that in EverQuest. But yes
 there was so much combat that half your team could vanish in moments as they were fighting the the dark elven armies. In EQ if you died you lost experience. You could delevel your character that way too if you wanted. I died so many times that day that I lost two whole levels. It was so much fun that I’d do it all over again. I really really really wish that WoW would do something like this.

My top favorite WPvP era was when Naz’jatar released and the whole zone was just mayhem. Until flying was unlocked. Then it all died away as people would be flying in groups and just drop in on one of the zone flags and take it over, or when the dropship was happening.


Damn we still discussing this?

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WPvP is also dead because you’re on Emerald Dream. As an RP realm it’s pretty sheltered, I usually have to phase over my ED friends when we want to WPvP.



I wanna return to Ed but it ft so dead compared to tich


I really didnt want to reply to this. Mostly because i was never a dedicated pvp or pve person.

But the pvp that i used to do back in the day was organized pvp events. (Mind you i wanted more tactics) but the rp community did a hell of a job getting pvpers to come out for large wpvp events. Then WoD came out, during the content droughts it was more common place to join pvp potatoe guilds. Basically do mass recruitment where you zerg areas to kill people in 20v1, plant flags on corpses and say how crappy the other person was at pvp.

The natural response to these potatoe guilds was multiboxers who would buy multiple accounts and play them at the same time using macros.

This would happen till mid or end of legion when blizzards sharding of realms as well as content shards would separate you from others who were not in the same progression. It also create exploits for ninjas who cant fight in straight battles to escape their consiquences.

At the time of legion outside the occassional ganking that follows and pvp server. Most world pvp at that point was city zerg groups. Which were still being fought pretty visciously or fighting outside major cities.

Bfa came with the warmode. At first it was a rousing success for wpvp. But
 Why was the rp community not going into warmode? Its because the rp community
 (Despite what others say) is the backbone of this now rp server.

And ego based trolls like any other place on the internet fed a flame war with the rp community. Because you had rpers that didnt want to go into warmode because internet people do what they do best. Ruin anything that is fun for others. But the community that enjoyed pvp and rp wanted to show that being united in warmode would prevent the individual players from having the power to stop rp events from happening.

Bfa started to come to its slow decline as rpers started either hoping to classic servers or moving to rp friendly communities.

Sad part is i see alot of good pvpers on realms like WrA and id love to have their expertise back here on ED.

ED is a great server with great people. But like anything else for the sake of convenience its easier for some to pick up and leave and being end up with people either living in thebpast of what the server used to be or the people who blame other people for its decline, and the people who straight up dont care about others.

Im sure we all have the ideal what is best for ED. But the biggest thing is without a common values or vision of where we want to be and no real drive from the communities to make it better.

I maybe just an old bull. But reaching out to each other and making plans for something that is fun. Organized pvp events allows others to schedule time in. Much like raid planning or rated bgs. It requires some scheduling. Who says world pvp cant be scheduled?

Ganking is fun for like 2 mins before it gets to be mundane.

Good Journey to you all


very insightful and true. in the case of the guild who probably killed wpvp on this server, everyone hates them. rightly so for the reasons you listed here.


You are not an old bull. You are typing from a place of experience and a drive to make things better or at the very least not be counterproductive to a thriving community.

Whether or not each of us agrees or disagrees with Blizzard’s actions in dropping -PvP from realm designations is irrelevant. Players are getting bored and annoyed with the immense size of populations on other realms. Active realms have the nasty experience of serious lag at times.

We ARE an RP realm. Without RP, WoW is just another cookie-cutter console game where PvP comes down to who has the numbers or highest ilevel.

I certainly hope DF helps to inspire participation in RP. There’s a reason it’s referred to as an MMORPG and not an MMOPvP.



this game is founded on RP imo. they should not ignore that part of the game or we lose a decent chunk of the game pop.


When I first came to ED all those years ago, the first event I stumbled across was an open world RP event that one of the guilds was having. From that single evening I began to experience the WPvP. That was well after ED’s “golden era” of WPvP but before things really tanked. Had a blast with that guild learning PvP but it was RP that introduced me to PVP.

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