Is WoW pay2win now?

No, way!

I agree it is of you to act like a child.

Yes, you should! It might help you get your false narratives across.

Me restating was my counterpoint as I deemed it a sufficient way to defend my point you claimed was a bad take.

That was a horrible argument, peoples entertainment thrives on new expansions gear doesnt…

You really are delusional.

In real pay to win games the whales control everything , literally everything good in the game is owned by whales.

There are plenty of p2w games with constant objective control , you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

Of course you wouldnt have played any because you think wow is p2w…

Let me put it in simple terms for you, if you spent 10-20k usd in a p2w game its godmode, now lets look at WoW , 10k usd of token will get you some gear that is no better than anyone else, in fact there are skilled/lucky people out there who spent zero dollars amd have the same gear.

Stay delusional my friend.


Yeah no, WoW isn’t a P2W game by any stretch. People have been buying gear for gold (and buying gold with IRL money) since the games inception 15+ years ago. Only difference now is that Blizzard is getting the money and not some Chinese sweatshop.

Yes, you can effectively buy top tier gear with IRL money, but that’s it. Having a high ilvl makes you look good on paper, but unless you can bring the skills to back up the gear it ultimately means nothing.

Being loaded up in 470 BoE’s with perfect corruptions, without putting in the prior effort to have a properly levelled cloak, is just gonna end up in frustration and lots of dying.

Also, paying for carries is also not P2W, it’s basically the same as paying for gear except your paying people to do the content for you while you get the reward (which I personally think is a dumb idea, why spend money, when your already spending money to play the game, to have people play the game for you?).

You can’t “win” WoW, it’s a game you can’t truly win because the only win condition is one you set for yourself.

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That argument I don’t buy anymore with the existence of corruption gear.

To me pay 2 win is clear cut at this point. It didn’t matter much in previous expansions, but with how corruption gear is designed now it matters a lot!

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wow became pay to win the moment tokens were introduced. Fact.

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Holy reading comprehension Batman.

I literally am on the “WoW is adamantly not P2W” and you’re lashing out like I spit in your cheerios. Please try to use your critical thinking skills before acting like a belligerent buffoon. Especially when the person is literally agreeing with you.

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Anyone can change a definition and then make an argument that supports it or goes against it.

I was just expressing the definition I’ve heard and that makes the most sense to me.

That depends on your definition of “pay to win”.

Timmy and Jimmy play the game

Timmy and Jimmy have leveled their cloaks but have been unlucky on drops

There is only one Mythic team raid spot

Jimmy buys 475 star bracers from auction house

Jimmy now does twice Timmy’s dps

In this hypothetical situation between equally skilled players, who do we think would “win” the raid spot?

You should heed you own advice.

You didn’t provide any counter points, stop acting like a child. It’s just showing you don’t know what you’re talking about lol. If you want to see a pay to win game, go check out some of those mobile phone games.

So really, do your research, try to think, I know for someone of your caliber, it must be really hard, but I believe you can do it.

And this is how I know you don’t do any top tier content, so why should it matter to you? You’re just following a streamer cause you cannot think for yourself.

And this has been a thing since Vanilla, why is it all of a sudden an issue? And do you know how much money someone would have to drop just to buy some of these pieces of gear if they used WoW tokens, you must be really ignorant if you think people will drop over thousands of dollars to get some gear to be good for a tier. Most people actually play the game to get gold, not buy WoW tokens, if a lot of people were buying tokens, they would be worth a hell of a lot more than they are now, its dipping down to what it was at the end of WoD, so that means theres more supply than demand. So obviously people are not selling tokens enough to get enough gold to buy gear.

Buying one piece of gear even with BiS corruption would not double someones dps. You’re whole scenario has so many holes in it, but you try to make it fit your argument. As someone who has raided mythics, if there is one raid spot open, they are looking for a specific class/spec and will work with you to help you gear up, and lastly, if they never set foot into heroic, they will not get a mythic raid spot. Someone that knows mechanics will always be chosen over someone that does higher dps, cause you do no damage when you’re dead.

Yes, it is. But that only means you’re good at the game.

That’s crazy man how you said people change things to fit arguments

You see what I said is what’s called an exaggeration to emphasize the issue, that whole thing you typed is actually what you said I was doing

10% or 100%, you can still understand the issue

Timmy, because he bought the 475 devastation gloves using the gold he already had.


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Stars does more than twilight

Not according to Timmy’s sims.

See this why Timmy has to p2w

Timmy bought it with the gold he made through the AH. No Wallet needed.

I mean I have a problem with people buying IO scores and heroic clears so they can continue to raid, and find this is horrible aspects that discourages new players/learning and community contribution. At the same time while there is flaws… I don’t actually consider wow P2Win yet.