Is wow pay to win now?

You seem to not know what pay to win means.

Say you pay all your money for tokens, and thus for gold. And then you buy a bunch of stuff.

What do you win?

Correction…you can if you have the time…if you don’t have the time you can pay.

So its not p2w cause you can get it for free if you arent terrible at the game, see it wasnt hard.

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Personally I wish they would just charge 10 bucks per peice of 450 gear.
I’d totally buy it!
and of course that would not be pay to win either.
Just pay for better gear…what are we winning?

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The one who buys? nothing, they are still terrible at the game.
The seller? easy ingame gold, carries fund my sub.

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I’m going to open my wallet and get my M Nzoth kill before Method does since WoW is so P2W.

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Blizzard isn’t charging you to get ahead… what you do on your own is your doing. It’s not pay to win unless they are like selling top tier armor sets… and you don’t win wow anyway.

pay to win only really exists in systems that require you to spend money to be competitive or get ahead

you can, and a vast majority of players do not spend more than their sub fee and they’re at 0 disadvantage vs players that do decide to buy gold and buy carries

if method had to spend $ to get cashshop only enchants / potions that increased their raid performance then you could maybe start crying

Buying stuff like raid clears or mythic gears gets you some gear but does this help you win at stuff not really, if you couldn’t beat pve bosses before someone ran you though odds are you won’t be able to beat them after.

Pay to win is something like Hearthstone. If you don’t buy packs of cards you are at a disadvantage vs someone who did because they will have much better cards and can beat you easier.

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Did I miss a post where people think Blizzard isn’t the one buying your WoW tokens?

Blizzard takes systems that break the TOS and just make them part of their business;

Players selling mount runs for cash? Blizzard adds a mount store.

Players paying farmers real money to level their character? Introducing the WoW Boost.

Lots of farmers selling gold for real money? Blizzard starts selling WoW Tokens.

Players going to private servers? Blizzard will sell you a Classic server! (Also thanks)

Players selling Mythic runs for real money? …have you noticed how Blizzard responds to these things yet?


Almost everything Blizzard sells in-game is a result of players who proved that it could be sold for real money.

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How much will a world first Ny’alotha carry cost me? I want to have my character name and screenshot for world first N’zoth!

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Yes. Wow is pay to win, as long as it’s not a banable offense to sell carry runs for Gold wow is pay to win.

They legalized the carry runs so that people would buy more wow tokens the same reason they are getting rid of brutosaur. Gotta pump up those microtransaction sales. Activision Treats blizzard the way Bobby Kotick treats children on the lolita express.

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Became P2W as soon as Blizzard allowed the LEGAL sale of gold.

It’s not as heavy as most P2W games, but it does give you an advantage if you’re able to sell tokens.

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Why it is obvious people are buying them with WoW tokens ?

Imagine actually believing all of that.

Even if some players are not it’s safe to say that many are. I don’t know if blizzard makes this public information but one could simply check the rate of wow token compared against before this decision was finalized and after. I would bet my first born daughter that the tokens went up after. one could argue that correlation doesn’t equate causation except in this instance it’s fairly obvious it does.

Also imagine posting on a level 55 blood DK and not your main.

I don’t see the problem, or why you would ever pay for keys. You can literally join a guild ask if some guildies will help you and will most likely get carried through keys basically doing it for free.