pay to lose really. If we get prelude like BFA…we all will get some really nice gear for doing massive groups on heavily spammed and flooded content to make that 20K gold item look like trash.
then its a mog. Which if someone wants to spend 300 to win the fashion show event…well, whatever makes them feel good I suppose lol.
Now item buying for mogs I will defend. With tooth and claw. I have a rule…100 dungeon runs and I am done. If the price is right, AH that stuff. Life is too short to be in a 1-60 dungeon 200 damn times for a .1% drop.
When I can literally see the wowhead loot rundown and go I have every single item in it but the 1 I truly want…100 is enough.
Pay 2 win is when you use real cash to get stuff that cant be gotten by other means, as in cash wall, theres no cash wall in wow, just you lacking a pair of hands to get what other people got via skill and they get ingame profit from it.
If you had to wait in a queue for 1-2h or pay to skip ahead thats P2W.
If you had to spend real money on loot crates until you get the really OP weapon with a special secondary that no other weapon has currently that’s P2W.
If you could spend money for a special 150% AP gain item that’s P2W.
Not being skilled enough to do the content and then having to reimburse better players to carry/deal with you is not P2W, only a little sad.
yes, but at the end of the day, they’re not doing anything any other player in game can’t do without a carry.
you can run a m+ for max level rewards without paying someone
you can join a raiding guild without paying someone
you can join a mythic raiding guild without paying someone
you might have to put in (a lot of, in some cases) effort to do those things, but they can be done.