Is wow pay to win now?

Honest to Bob, is it hard to constantly want to find fault in something that is not at all wrong?

Your interpretation skills stink, didn’t say this at all.

Again reaching… Where is this well established community that shares your neurosis?

You keep thinking its an advantage, it’s not, this again is a YOU thing that makes zero sense, you keep spouting it, yet have no proof whatsoever that this is the case.

So it would be ok if they stopped selling tokens, took the game away from thousands and went back to the way it was prior with illegal gold sellers and runs still being sold? See, this is not a new thing, I assume you’ve haven’t been in here since the start like many of us have been. Selling runs was even a thing in Vanilla, is your mind blown? Or are you just going to carry on the moronic line of ohhhh that makes it PTW!

Being able to buy top of the line highest quality gear for cash isn’t an advantage over other players? You haven’t played wow much have you?

Back then there was no option through blizzard to legitimately sell gold for cash which means anyone purchasing carries with gold, earned the gold because you couldn’t buy gold with out of game currency or you would get banned.

No one is still arguing buying carries with gold makes it pay to win it’s when you combine the ability to buy carries with gold as well as buy gold with cash. I’ll break it down real simple for you.

Buy carries with gold =/= pay to win
Buy Gold with cash =/= pay to win
Buy carries with gold + buy gold with cash = pay to win.

Would you agree to a hypothetical solution where players who purchased gold with wow tokens were not allowed to use that gold to get carried through mythic content? If not you aren’t arguing in earnest when you bring up the fact that buying runs with gold has been a thing forever because clearly the situation has changed since wow tokens became common place.

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Nope. This is your attempt at skewing a narrative at best it’s a feel statement, no facts.

No, they have the right to spend their gold on what they want. You wanting to lord over how others spend it is beyond disturbing to me. I figure you were probably triggered when they took away ML too right?

Players have the right to choose how to spend their gold but not distribute boss loot. Pro argument bud (and i actually hated ML it’s just not a consistent argument)

ftfy but at least you made your stance clear. You don’t care about cash for carries.

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Even without ML they can distribute gear as they want, you see they always gave us this option. You will never get this, you are on an armchair crusade to find fault where there is none. No other bandwagon to hop on and blame Blizz for this week I guess.

Here’s some facts on selling runs. They cannot guarantee loot pieces. It’s no different than running a raid with a guild there is always RNG. In your mind you seem to think if it’s a sell run this automatically changes.

Nope I don’t, never will, don;t partake, used to sell them years ago too. Feel free to report me for doing what has been allowed since the advent of the game.

Really, so a player who got an item higher ilvl than what they have equipped can trade it to a player who didn’t receive one? I didn’t know that.

Selling carries for cash hasn’t been in the game since it came out and if you were actually arguing in earnest you would admit that.

Take off your rose colored glasses, honest to Bob you are beyond dense. Gold is not cash, people have been abusing the EULA since its advent and if you cant grasp that you are beyond help.

You thinking it wasn’t happening doesn’t make reality cease to exist. You thinking gold is actually a real life currency disturbs me, perhaps it’s time to ask your economics teacher to explain that to you. Figure that’s your age group since you can’t remember what actually happened here.

the people who do carries for gold did not pay anyone to get stronger, your argument is so wrong it’s laughable. People pay other people to get carried through content they can’t do because

  1. they suck at the game
  2. they suck at making friends or relating to like minded people to run content and progress as a group.
  3. they want bragging rights for raider io.
  4. they are tired and don’t want to bother actually playing the game.
  5. they feel left behind and want to catch up to the patch or current content as fast as possible.
  6. they don’t want to bother with pugging because “no one invites me when they should, raider IO sucks wha wha”

People get carried by people who usually outgear the content because they decided to work for the “selling carries” market and they pushed keys as a group to gear up, sometimes several toons so that they have armor proficiency to stack for the person buying their carries.

In contrast what you’re saying is that anyone who pays will have more power than someone that does not, if that were true you would not be paying for carries from other players, you would be paying blizzard for gear/power so that you would be able to run the content without having to get carried.

Literally the ONLY thing that can make you stronger that blizzard sells is pets for pet battle and even then there are much better battle pets in the game than in the shop.
Please reevaluate your statement in a way it makes sense or at least give some examples so we can see whatever point it is you’re trying to make.

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No you can just purchase it with cash which makes the notion there is a difference moot.

First off That doesn’t make it right.

Secondly blizzard didn’t promote an environment where players could buy gold with cash back then as has been addressed countless times in this thread but i’ll say it again because apparently boomer ears don’t work too well.

Maybe you should take the time to read the 700 posts in here before making the exact same arguments that have been hashed out already but with less substance in your statements.

You still have to stop standing in fire. You still have to soak the mechanic. You still have to stay on the boss’s back. You need to stop getting stacks.

You can buy all the gear you want, but if you can’t dodge the mechanic, you did not win.

I see people spend thousands of dollars of golf equipment, get memberships at the most exclusive clubs, buy the nicest clothing for golf, spend money of golf teachers…and still end up as crappy golfers. Did they pay to win?

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Social justice points gathering? Selling runs and buying them isn’t pay to win. Not bothering to further your post count with your delusional thought process.

Maybe you should too, because there are far more people who agree with me here than those who think you are right. But hey what can one expect again from someone who thinks a post count actually matters, 2/3 of that is people telling you that you are wrong, and the rest with the but but but reasons arguments that have no validity are not helping your case.

You argue in favor of the rules one post then dismiss them in another.

we disagree there, that’s fine we don’t have to. Players getting end game content through the purchase of wow tokens is a controversial topic not everyone is going to agree on it and certainly i could see why more casual players would lean toward the pro carry side.

I didn’t point you to the rest of the thread because i thought more people agreed with me but because your arguments are repetitive and echo arguments that have already been shot down by more sensible players.

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Buzz word Bingo! I needed an echo comment!

As for you thinking you are sensible, you made my laugh so hard it hurt thanks so much again for sharing your illogical points with the world, remember not to fall off the edge, your type thinks that can happen right?

who hurt you?


Feel better?

Idk do you? for whatever reason you seem incapable of having a civil conversation or communicating without condescension and hostility. You should probably get some help with that.

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That’s a shallow argument when you take into consideration that only a small sliver of players actually reach end game content. The vast majority do not which means buying carries with cash gives you an advantage over most not all but most and that’s still pay to win.


If you don’t care about that stuff than it doesn’t really matter. You make up this need to have what other people have in your head. If you just play the game to have fun none of this stuff matters. You dont need end game maxed ilvl gear, you want it but really what is the point in having it?