Is wow pay to win now?

it may not be P2W, but it’s on the slippery slope to it. people are paying real money for needed achievements and gear.


P2W: A game where the player can forward their progress by using actual currency to inhance their character faster than what it would take to play the game.

I wouldnt argue directly pay to win but…

60 dollar character boost to 120 (equips 390 gear on toon)
20 dollars for a token you can then sell for gold, then use gold to buy what ever else yo want for said toon.

My conclusion is blizz is skirting the line…


They shill the cash shop hard and have a lot of mechanics designed around wasting your time - but this game isn’t P2W yet.

idk but im really sick of seeing trade chat filled to the brim with selling carries. Blizz needs to stop that.


You could buy WoW tokens, then buy purple BOE’s off the AH.

So the game could become paid to win if you go that route.


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Eh that’s not true. The game is pretty hard at a high level when you’re not being carried. I’ve paid for boosts because I know I am good enough to play at a high level and don’t want to mess around with low keys, got nothing to prove here.

I’ve beaten many extremely hard games, and WoW is a good challenge if you actually apply yourself and push the limits. It’s not hard if you don’t push keys or just get carried by better players, but try playing the game for real and you’ll see it’s not the walk in the park you’re making it out to be.

Also, Mythic BOE gear sold in the AH? Hell, not even just mythic but also heroic and below. Sure, it’s not from the cash shop but still it’s a shop where you can use real money to buy gear opposed to vendors that have a certain currency you need to obtain without the help of real money.

I don’t remember there ever being an alternate currency for gearing up that real money wouldn’t be able to help with.

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/face palm

Please… just stay in Classic.



You can also go earn that gold in game by playing it, so it’s still not pay to win.

Pay to win is when there is some form of power increase (whether it’s gear or power boost) that can only be purchased in a cash shop. Example, if the Blizzard store had a helmet that had better stats/abilities then anything in game and there was no means to acquire that piece through normal game play, that would be pay to win.


That is not what that means.

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It’s in game, that makes it not pay to win. You can buy those items from the ah using gold you earn in game.


There really isn’t any “win” in this game except the feeling you get when you accomplish something you didn’t think you could do. That could be by downing mythic bosses with your friends/guildmates, winning a rated BG or arena, achieving top scores for a season, training a battle pet to 25, maxing out your gold by playing the AH–pretty much doing anything in the game that you actually participate in and achieve through your own game play.

You don’t get that by paying for a carry.

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This is the easiest time period in probably WoW’s history to get gear.

No one thinks you are “winning” because you have good gear nowadays.

Show me your accomplishments. Your parses.


Nothing is stopping the person not paying from doing a M+10 and getting a 440 piece of gear. Pay to win is when you can quite literally not get whatever it is without opening your wallet and puts you at a competitive advantage over others.


Theres literally no reason to pay for a run unless you “need” some ahead of the curve achievement, or because you want to stomp on people with some twinked out mythic character in battelgrounds.

If thats what you want to spend hundreds of dollars on to get your jollies, then go ahead.

I’ll just say you could’ve just saved your money and twinked out an 110 in antorus and got the same exact outcome. But fools and their money and all that.

If I get a boost on a freshly benthic geared 120 tank, I start out with 3 420 ilvl azerite pieces and then if I get lucky I get a weapon in the chest.

This means instead of wasting time gearing up week by week in low keys, I can skip straight to keys that give good rewards without being carried.
edit: It’d be one thing if I didn’t know what I was doing, but on other tanks I’ve geared up and I’ve done the dungeons enough to have nothing to gain from doing lower keys. You get to a point where doing low keys makes you a worse player because it has so few mechanics.

You finding gold runs. all i hear is that a scam as they are asking for money.

Sounds like the Mythic Guilds and M+ groups that worked their way up to be at the point that they can sell runs are the ones winning… and I’m sure they didn’t pay their way to get there.


Well I’m sure if there is a big enough market Blizzard will get in on it. People used to sell “levelling services” and people bought in.

Now people sell “gearing services” and people are buying in.

Why aren’t you just hiring someone to play the game for you at that point? If the game has become that unenjoyable, why are you even playing?

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