Is WoW P2W?

Ever since the Token was introduced, well, yes!

The Brutosaur should’ve been your first clue.

Stuff that’s almost unobtainable by design, unless you are a whale.


(withholds cookies for obvious reasons)


Lmao this community is so fried, look at this persons take:

It’s hilarious how people don’t see how big of an issue P2W is in WoW.


The issue isn’t that players who were never intending to play the expansion have left, as expected. The issue is that players who were intending to play were driven away by game features and mechanics that suck.

Trying to convince the most malleable players that they should continue to lower their expectations has been a short term failure, and will also be a long-term failure.


I wouldn’t say it’s trolling.

Boosting is blooming, if you get pvp boost you pretty much have 220/226 upgrades to conquest gear, which you can get like 9-10 pieces by now.

Not sure what can be done here tbh, not much Blizzard can do, besides making advancing harder, which people will just hate.

But, you said Shadowlands was the best expansion ever not long ago?

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in its own unique way, yes. it is p2w. gotta artificially inflate those token sales.


Everyone that thinks it’s great that blizz’s top revenue stream is tokens must’ve fallen asleep in math, or never taken a business class in college.

If WoW’s population is represented by 10 subscribers, and initially ALL 10 are paying $15/mo for that subscription, it’s a stable economic system that can handle fluctuations in player base because the loss of a single sub only means the loss of 10% of it’s revenue stream.

With every month that more subs get cancelled, and more players switch to tokens, YES blizz IS making more money on the initial conversion. HOWEVER! It’s shifting the system to a more and more unstable condition as a greater percentage of the revenue stream is getting focused into a smaller subset of the playerbase. 4/10 of those representative subs have already left, which means that even if just 25% of the remaining player base is paying for tokens, 4.5 (or 45%) players shoulder the burden of 100% of the revenue stream for WoW. That’s a little less than 25% per player.

Imagine losing 25% of your revenue stream with the loss of just 10% of your hypothetical player base (16% of your extant base after the 40% exodus).

Blizz has painted themselves into a really, really, REALLY stupid corner with wow tokens.


How? If anything subscribers are unreliable, just read the forums. Every little thing = threatening to unsub.

If anything Blizzard is smart for cashing in on people who buy $20 store mounts and transmog or $100s of dollars in tokens to buy gear/boosts, and they’ll only keep developing more grindy, locked content because it only makes their main revenue source grow.


In a gaming environment that leaves no other recourse for players OTHER than threatening to unsub, can you really blame them? These forums are basically a troll trap that blizz almost NEVER checks, other than to keep the peace.

I feel like this is the end game for WoW, in 5 years the entire game will be mostly P2W if not all of it.

The fact that a WoW store even got put in was disgusting, then they stopped working in cool mount models in game to put them in the store, and now there’s a transmog tab too.

Soon there’s gonna be a tab for arena ratings and M+ clears too.


No. And if you contribute to such activity you cheat yourself.

See, I am able to see it from both ends. At the same time that I can commiserate with players threatening to unsub because they feel unattended by blizz, I can also see why blizz would’ve put in the wow store to try to counteract a fickle gamer base.

I don’t disagree with you that players constantly “threatening” to leave, and usually never following through, is generally NOT the people you want to be listening to. I have a feeling that most of them aren’t included among the 40% that habitually leave shortly after xpac launch. So, maybe they SHOULD be.

Blizzard spends an awful lot of time on systems and features of this game that cater to very specific groups of players, rather than systems that would be generally beneficial to ALL players. And when they DO try to focus on systems that are generally beneficial, they fail pretty hard because the final product ends up being super gimmicky like azerite armor and soulbinds.

It’s not that the system is a gimmick, it’s that it’s extremely difficult to build a system that meets the expectations of so many different types of players.

The one thing we all agree on and either love or hate universally is P2W. That takes a system down to an even, easy 50/50 split, rather than the chaotic, impossible to manage split for other systems that might be 7/13/25/40/15, where some people like this but hate that and others like that and that, but detest this.

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I’m actually getting more and more excited for Ashes of Creation and one of the lines they keep repeating is “There will be no Pay to win… EVER”

That actually sounds really great to me.

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Blizzard repeated this too, they even actively fought back the Chinese gold sellers until they became the main Chinese gold seller themselves with WoW tokens.

Things change over time, I wouldn’t put trust into AoC anymore than I put trust into WoW.


Yeah that’s one of the things I’m worried about on AoC.
It’s so very easy to just fall down that slope. Cosmetics => boosts => The Token

Time will tell I guess.

how is the Brutosaur pay to win? If you want a cheaper alternative, take up Engineering they give you auctioneeers in every capital city.

Also “Pay 2 Win” is essentially constantly being overused it kills the notion. Tokens aren’t really pay 2 win as you have boosters BEFORE they were introduced. Getting Glad doesn’t make you a better PvP player or raider. But I find it funny how TC thinks that people paying for carries is a sign of Pay 2 Win (when even without tokens people would be doing that anyway).

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Buying carries doesn’t make you a great player. I would guess that friends carry friends as well, are they paying to win? Buying the gear for cash from the shop would be P2W. Recruiting a partner to carry you? Not so much.

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lol pardon?

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Short Answer?: Yes
Long Answer?: Yes