Its just business, when Activision bought blizzard they became a publicly traded company, as such the prime responsibility is to the shareholders (often achieved through delivering value to the customers).
As customers we have a delusional concept of ownership “we pay for this so we should get a say in this” <-- while this might be an appropriate management style to get customer feedback and make us feel valued, it is NOT accurate to assume ownership or dictate how the business operates (ours is only to spend or not spend). Thus we can give feedback on what we enjoy/do not enjoy and its up to the management team at blizzard to act or not act on it.
I would say we do if you compare to historically what has been delivered (in terms of raids, story wise I have explained previously why I hate it). If you compare to the idealised concept of content in your head then its not really achievable.
There is no common consensus on what is better content or worse content, even out opinions have been shown to differ. If you had to pick the best raid tier which would it be and why and what is it that makes a good raid tier?
Islands were a failed experiment sure but you left out visions. For me 5 masking was probably one of the most fun things I have done in wow since the mage towers. They were a nice mini piece of content I could challenge myself with (they were certainly not perfect and I am glad they are over but they were fun to progress through).
Torghast I am reserving judgement on, I watched a streamer talk about how far removed they are from their origins of being a roguelike by retunning.
And I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of them and learning all the mechanics, I don’t care how expensive or inexpensive content is to produce, for me I judge by level of fun I experience, wows entire purpose in my life is a hobby/entertainment.
I think there is a class of player (I have often filled this role), who enjoy wow purely through the lens of solo content and I think AI could vastly improve this play experience.
The lowest rung of content should be AI assisted:
E.g LFR with AI bots, normal dungeons with AI, BGs vs AI - these modes should offer extremely base entry level gear but should let a player see the story. They could even add layers to it by tying this into a recruitment/table mission system where you can send them off alone or go along with them (increase their power/ilvl by giving them equipment/experience of some kind)… basically it just gives a lot more breadth of gameplay to a certain type of player.
I also am really disappointed they didn’t continue the bodyguard system from WOD, that was one of my favourite features (getting the ogre with the massive sword following me around and assisting me).
I am hoping the maw is an extremely dangerous area that will be assisted by bodyguards and AI allies, it adds to the immersion “its dangerous to go alone take this”.