Is WoW out of touch with it's core audience?

If you completed it when it was released it took skill, I don’t understand why you’re refusing to understand that the game had some strife and less skilled players eventually overcame it with better gear. Meaning gear had some actual value for players whereas now everything is scaling to your level and ilvl, effectively killing the RPG aspect of the game.

Thanks to Blizzard I’ve just about achieved my dream of becoming a whale.

And I just told you that most people just outgeared it. Also, I never once said that everything scaling to us was a good thing.

It’s hard to say. Wow appeals to so many different types of people. To me they clearly aren’t making the game for me. But it’s more of a I have less and less time for it and am probably getting to old for it. I mean I’m only 33, but I just can’t do what I used to. I login to do the bare minimum and get bored. So I might not be long for Wow anyway so why focus on keeping me?

Kinda feel there is a disconnect of the story from the game like they forgot how to immerse us into the story while in the game.

There are older forums that you can find that have people lamenting on of the Burning Crusade ruined WoW. I was laughing :joy:
If I was allowed to post links, I would, but the search criteria that I used was: wow is dying.

https //imgflip com/i/4ck6p0

It hasn’t been good since Vanilla for story telling. The story is now just plot devices for expansions instead of a good coherent story.


I disagree, a number of times they’ve had very good stories that spanned across zones and even from previous expansions. I just think once Cata hit and they had to break ground with virtually all new lore, they lost a lot of the power of the WC3 plot lines.


Haha good point, I may even go and check out classic since theres no way to farm gold anymore which invalidates my reason for playing retail (race changes with tokens lol)

What makes you say that? WoW best game ever! cough

The problem is we’re no longer the target demographic. Last I checked all their goals centered around phone gaming.


What made WoW so great is that initially catered to the casual crowd, not the hardcore base. Every mmo before it was way too time intensive, and required zero life to progress.

Along comes WoW and boom you can actually progreas and have a life. Molten core was pretty easy even for casuals.

Over the years Blizzard has tested the waters for making things harder and more time consuming because hey more money for less content. Catering to addicts has always been enticing in this genre.

Starting in Legion, whole game has radically shifted towards hardcore players. Yea casuals have stuff to do, but the gap is huge. 450 vs 480 might not sound like much but it is.

So yes, what made this game popular is not what the game is now. Old school WoW was actually casual as yes even though it took a while to level there were no obligations to log in when you didnt want to like now.

Companies keep doing this, then wonder why people stop playing. Playing for 20 hours a week to get anywhere is way too much for most people, especially when you tell them at what time they have to play as well.


this expansion had some of the most anti-fun mechanics ever put into the game. And the story was abysmal. bfa is the worst expansion in the games history. id take another wod or cata anyday over this dumpsterfire.


Arguably, it shifted to giving players busywork - and double down on RNG. Hardcore players of course grinding M+ get more, but the reason I stopped playing it was that it just wasn’t fun to play, since I logged in and had a plethora of things I had to do to stay relevant.

I wouldn’t call this just catering to hardcores, but more keeping people busy.

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I dont disagree with you its garbo, i dont know what that really has to do with my post though, The games been going down the drain for past 10 years. Blizzard and players created this junk together.

my point was this one expansion kicked its downfall into overdirve. legion was one of the best expansions i ever played right up there with wrath imo. But bfa is so bad all of my friends quit and cities are far more empty as a result of the expansion being trash.

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WoW is supposed to be the casual chill mmo but they keep trying to turn the game into an e-sport because for some reason activisionblizzard is obsessed with making their own sports leagues, I imagine it’s because it’s easier to use your existing IP and make something sports like within it instead of making a new game specifically for e-sports, I mean look at what happened with HoTS.

Their world quests is the most annoying system ever devised, you have random talking heads appearing out of nowhere like you’re some sort of schizophrenic and it’s just quest’s you’ve already done while leveling. Quite literally reusing content over and over to distract from the fact that there’s nothing to do in the game outside repeatable busy work quests that ultimately accomplish nothing but wasting your time.

I disagree, legion was a great expansion and made doing all content worth while because they all gave a chance at acquiring legendary items that were required for your specs, the problem with them is when blizzard artificially limited how many you could get because people like me would grind our asses off trying to get our BiS only to find it was a wasted time because blizzard refused to allow players to go at their own pace.

They don’t want people that are willing to take the time and energy to excel and go past lazy players, this is what you call equality, it’s easier to hold everyone back than it is to raise others up to a higher standard. Blizzard games have been slowly becoming communist utopia simulators and its been driving A LOT of people away.

DKP is why you’re forced to login to classic, that is unless you join guilds that have open rolls. But overall classic is far superior to retail in my opinion. I don’t feel like some godlike champion but rather a traveler in a living world where anything can destroy me in an instant and requires grouping up with people to accomplish most tasks which I would say is the purpose of a MMO. Instead of a sitting in town waiting to que simulator aka retail.

I hope shadowlands is more like vanilla WoW and a lot less like BFA. I’m so tired of the game being an esport and also at the same time everyone is a hero. We’re not all heroes and heroes are truly rare.

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Why was legion the best to you? Was it because all content was equally rewarding via the chasing of legendaries?

Please do explain to me when WOW was not this?