Yet now they are going into the Cata and beyond realm of classic . Not sure if I will do classic Cata or MoP if it comes unless opening a monk gives me a new mount .
If classic WoD comes I will do if the cut content like the Shatt raid are put back in .
Anything after that and I will pass on World of Warcraft : Classic Passive Tree System expansions (Legion -SL)
It appears to have been living on borrowed time since the conclusion of the Lich King story. Theyâve tried a few different arcs since then with varying success.
I have high hopes for Metzen and his team, but my expectations have been sullied over the last 3 years. I havenât bought the current expansion, for example.
Yeah wow once has 12 mil subscribers, it was once the king of gaming, it once ruled the mmo space, not anymore. It went from the best, to the standard, to still really good, to okay, to declining, and now, declining even further. Nothing ever truly dies, it just fades into irrelevancy.
Ofc, its far better, Classic is more of an MMO than retail is. The crowd proved live, the passion is there, the fire is there. People want more classic and theyâre getting it.
The reports are there, go read the Q4 differences between 2022 when Dragonflight released conjunction with Overwatch 2âs release and compare to the Diablo Immortals money brag for its first year, information sharing is telling, if blizzard isnât bragging about it in shareholderâs meetings, there is a reason. There millions and millions of more people playing Crush in the mobile space than they are playing COD, you just have to use some reasoning here. If wow retail made money, they would be bragging about it.
Wow will not end, there are always die hard fans who will keep playing. Now that there are more QOL changes and feedback is actually being heard and wow is evolving, it wonât end. From a business standpoint, itâs gotten through the worst. I didnât know who Chris Metzen was but he is a great storyteller, can see why he is so popular! They have finally taken looked at their competitors and doing things that help the game evolve. So logicaly speaking, I think things are looking up for Wow. Every game has its lovers and haters.
Technically itâs been coming to an end since TBC. People have different times where it ended. And then began anew. And ended again. And started back up. So yes, Wow is coming to an end. It already ended. And always beginning.
Metzen specifically said at Blizzcon that the three-expansion storyline âwill be the culmination of the first twenty years of our storytelling and vector in the next twenty years of adventuring.â
It seems a lot of people heard the word, âculminationâ and their brains shut down in a white hot panic, failing to hear and register theyâre planning on another twenty years minimum after The Worldsoul Saga finishes.
Everything is coming to an end, this post, me, you, the thread, the internet, the world, the universe itself. Everything must die and then when everything else is dead, because nothing is left to die death itself will be dead as well. All that lasts for eternity is the vast emptiness of nothing. So yes, World of Warcraft is coming to an end.
They even said the shorter expansions is not because there will be less content, just that there is going to be a shorter âdowntimeâ between content updates. They even mentioned how them hiring a ton more WoW staff was partially because of them wanting to do this or something like that, donât recall it word for word. Seems to me that people didnât bother to listen at all because nothing they said should have led to people talking about WoW ending or entering âmaintenance modeâ soon.
Now we get these weird maintenance expansions with barely any content that try to milk players dry with predatory monetization schemes.
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Faster expansions with less content to sell more 90 dollar 3 day access expansions