Not a doom post or anything negative about the expac reveal, but do you think with the manner the world soul arc is being covered by the next 3 expansions that wow is coming to an end and this is the final arc?
Cant say its not a doom post, when you ask this question based on ignoring what they said and a heavy dose of speculation.
what did they say? I just looked at some of the posts on mmo champ for a recap
Yes, its going to end, everything ends eventually, the world soul saga is basically a lavish way of saying we’re going to maintenance mode now, we’re going to space out content to these three expacs and divert most of our attention to new IPs. Don’t let anyone fool you otherwise.
You copied my post.
If WoW is profitable, they’ll likely continue.
Maybe I hallucinated but I’m pretty sure both Metzen and the red-headed woman both said that this new story arc is supposed to lead us into the next couple of decades of WoW, not wrap it up.
Why would they stop WoW after The Last Titan if it’s still making them money?
You mean female Todd Howard? I mean ofc they’re going to go Billy Mays on you, but good developers would not split a story into 3 expacs and copy Destiny’s failing model, I could be wrong, but since we have seen a trail of mishaps with Blizzard the past few years besides the realms of classic, I wouldn’t hold my breath either.
My theory: it’s the end of Azeroth as we know it and we’ll end up with a broken into pieces planet eventually.
I called my personal developer friend on the inside and asked him directly. He said it’s been decided that the game is over and will end exactly on 2400 hours December 31st 2024.
oh, if i watched the content instead of just reading posts. i probably would have saw this.
Metzen presented it as a story arc that will set WoW up for its “next 20 years.” Do I honestly believe WoW will still be around in 20 years? No, not really. At least not as it currently is. But I think his statement showed that they have more plans for the future beyond this “saga.”
Short answer: No
Long answer: Sorta. It’s the end of Azeroth as we know it. They are going to wrap up all the rest of known stories. When the 4th expac comes, WoW will basically have a clean slate for new stories, brand new characters, etc
I wonder if it’s more finally answering questions and addressing holes throughout the plot of the lore. That story will end, and probably a whole new beginning for the flip side of Azeroth, maybe…
They have already said the next 3 expansions will set the way the game goes for the next 20 years.
Everquest the game WoW was made to take over still gets new content even EVE Online another game older then WoW gets new content .
Until no one is willing to play it WoW will keep going .
Specifically talked referred to “the next 20 years”. Then talked about the next 3 expansions.
How long was the Arthas/Lich King story split up?
At the final expansion Azeroth will be born thus shattering the planet to pieces so they can release WoW2 now with more mtx, gamepass, battlepass, you name it
Yep. I would be surprised if it lasted another 20 years, but they made it pretty clear they want to keep it going as long as possible.
They are using the next three expacs to wrap up the lore threads that have never been finished up. This will position them for a fresh start on new ideas.
Blizzard had better invest in WoW because none of their other games are doing that well. Diablo just keeps rehashing and remixing. Hearthstone isn’t going to bring in new players at this point. Overwatch 2 was fail. And I haven’t heard excitement over Rumble.
WoW is the only game they have that has the qualities to last.