Is Wow coming to an end?

MS didnt buy just to shut it all down.

It will go for as long as there is money. Even as the money declines they will cut back on expansions and devs and infrastructure but keep going.

Turbine/SSG has a handful of people now for Dungeons and Dragons Online but still have releases.

The current timeline and major story that we’ve been following seems to be coming to an end. WoW and the Warcraft universe is likely to continue for many many years to come.


I really hope so. Unless they can come up with something original and captivating enough it’s a slow burn. Their idea of a new story arc just comes from digging up some past dead end story and rehashing it as new content now.

might be a bit offtopic and/or late, being i’m just seeing all this now on the launcher, but are they seriously announcing another expansion after only one raid??

Lots of copium here man, I feel bad for you.

Just because you dont know how “maintenance mode” works and seem to genuinely want WoW to stop…doesnt mean I am on copium.

The game isnt in maintenance mode when they release the name of 3 expansions and talk about wanting WoW to continue for 20 years.

But I get it.

Being a downer is just a thing people hold on to.


Ah yes replicating Destiny’s failed model, is definitely the priority for Microsoft owned Blizzard now. The WoW you know is going to die, its going to fade into irrelevance, that doesn’t mean the brand itself is dead, they’re likely going to branch out to different genres with the same brand of warcraft, the MMO, the retail experience will continue to dwindle in focus in the future. You stating otherwise is peak copium.

Micro-expansions, yes, perhaps a 2 patch expansion per year with premium pricing. Like destiny. You call that content, I call that milking.

No, its called being realistic, the past few expansions have been inarguable garbage. Propped up by the success of classic wow, those subs are propped by classic players. My guy they need like 8 different versions of wow to stay at the top in a already dying market.

Yes, they are finally changing the bank, opening up guilds, making stuff account wide, making a new way of flying possible everywhere, creating hero classes, and adding a new battleground and an additional end game pillar so they can scrap all of it in a few years /s


“They said we have 4 more years, minimum of content coming”

-“That obviously means we are in maintenance mode right now”


Maintenance mode is when additional content stops, and they are doing nothing but maintaining the servers. Hence the name.


They are definitely speed-running retail development, lol.

For me, WOW comes to an end on December 16th. au revoir :wave:

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Ofc, WOW is no longer going to be the focus anymore, mark my words they’re going to develop new IPs or straight tackle the mobile market. Diablo Immortals made more than Retail wow, but these fans albeit noble, don’t see it.

Yeah, that’s real quality production right there (sarcasm)

You seriously believe those 3 expansions are going to be of Legion/BFA/Shadowlands of content each?

I mean did they hire new developers to expedite the content making process? Did Chris magically grow 4 extra limbs?

OR… they’re slimming out the content and spacing it out… for a company the size of Blizzard you might as well call it maintenance mode. Why waste time on WoW? When you can make mobile games like Immortals and make x10 times of the money with 1/10th the staff. This is just simple mathematics man.

The war within? Really? We copying Warframe now?

Midnight? Who the f comes up with these names?

oh no, not at all, what would give us that idea?

oh right…that

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Probably not. :dracthyr_a1: Although I wonder how long expansions will be now.

I didnt say that.

I said, 4 more years of content. Which means I expect, at the very worse, each one will give 1 year of content.

So once again.

Why do you think adding 4 more years (min) of content, is WoW being on maintenance mode now?


Its need to be Free To Play by now hope microsoft does that

Freaking SWTOR is still operating with content patches and a fan base and it’s got like a 10th the players WoW has.

if that.

So no, WoW’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Sure bud.

“WoW’s dead” has been a joke since 2004, but you do you.

And there it is a “Classic > Retail” post in disguise. Because for whatever reason, Classic players need to have this superiority complex over retail.

Citation needed

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No they have given the names of the next 3 expansions as they will all be tied together.

Doesn’t mean one raid and done for the expansion .

Think of it as a series of books say for example HArry Potter where the next book ties with the first one and the one after that ties with the previous 2 .