Is WoW Classic Fresh Dead? (Nightslayer)

During primetime on a Friday night there are 10 people in the LFG tool for Maraudon. 10 people. As I look through the other dungeons in the LFG tool the numbers are about the same or worse for every other dungeon.

Either the LFG tool is broken or the game is dead, so which is it?


Yep game’s dead better wait for fresh


Man you are so funny and cool.

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Everybody is in bgs.

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No, this is not true. Even if 80% of players were in BG’s (which they’re not), the population in the LFG tool stiil indicates a dead server.

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Maybe they are playing retail or plunderstrom?


The lfg tool dried up on the exact hour bgs released.


Nah. Thanks though.

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Myabe they are tired of running Maraudon on a Friday and went on a date?


Maybe they decided to become astonauts and went to the moon! Either way, there’s nobody to group with.

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Don’t some of the hard charging guilds require r14 or something?

I’ve played a little bit on the HC, pvp, and pve servers. None of them seem close to dead.


maraudon only fits 5 per group.

This thread is only about the Nightslayer PvP server.

You don’t think having 10 people in the Mara LFG tool during primetime on a Friday is dead? The other dungeons are about the same, mostly worse. I would consider this low population on an emulated classic Everquest server, let alone “Official Classic Fresh WoW”.

Sure, you’ll see lots of “players” in the open world (I’m starting to think most of them are bots) … the point is if the server was actually healthy you’d have 100’s or even 1000’s of people looking to do group content, but … they’re just not there.

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Yeah its a PvP server that just released PvP content. Nobody is playing their alts they are all in BGs. Im on the same server just go ask in trade where everyone is. Sounds like the only answer you want to hear is that its dead! So yeah its dead little Gnomie.


You are clearly simple and have missed the point. Thanks for attempting to contribute.

Maybe examine the variables… perhaps they’re already grouped up in a dungeon? Maybe many are questing? In fact, more people are questing than dungeoning, based on basic observation. To call someone simple, while making a thread like this, without even closely examining the variables, makes you simple.


Show me all the people looking to do group content. There are like 50 people in the entire LFG tool from Deadmines to Mara. This is the definition of dead.

I appreciate your attempt to contribute as well, as simple as you seem.

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Simply because dungeoning isn’t something that a large part of the community spams, like retail. Most of them are questing or BGing. Many others are farming.

You have quite the simple mind if you cannot see passed that.

just go to mara door and u will see a lot of players going inside.
but none in lfg because they are probably buying mara boost.

at this point, many levelers aren’t running dungeons, they just want others to boost them.

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