It’s down, but certainly not out.
Won’t be for years, probably.
Certainly a lull in activity, judging by certain queues.
It’s down, but certainly not out.
Won’t be for years, probably.
Certainly a lull in activity, judging by certain queues.
its probably ok but in a stagnant state, there isn’t really any growth in this game. They tried luring in players by changing its target demographic to a much younger audience but that turned more players away than gaining them.
All seems swarming to me during the day. From the capital to events.
I open a +16 key, list rockets up in moments, people sending me damned tells, whining for spots.
I guess if you wanna boomer it up and pretend its classic and be depressed at the sharded wilderness, its dead? Rest seems fine. Don’t get me wrong though, game feels discombobulated as hell, it needs work.
Probably because the people who made up the real Blizzard are long gone. Just like Bioware became EAware when the Dr.s and original devs kicked rocks.
DF does seems pretty dead… when I log into classic it seems so full I can barely move maybe its something to do with the stupid phasing on retail servers? I say this because I recently levelled an alt up and from 65-70 I didn’t see 1 person, surely that cannot be right? it has to be phasing?
OP, why would you think it is dead lol, I go on at peak hour on one server and valdrakken is packed. And there is no real reason to be in the zones en masse… just a bunch on dragons either at one of the events, with a few I see leveling but you’ll never see a lively zone per se once the initial rush finishes. Not to mention the zooming dragons.
Maus don’t count actual people, multiple accounts can be used by the same person, so I’d say that number could be halved, cut in thirds, or even quartered… (a discussion had in many past threads on game populace where it was explained how MAUS are counted)
Ding ding ding . Basically when nobody needs to interact beyond a constantly available group of people they’ll never see again, these are the kind of clients you’re going to attract, people who PREFER not to see anybody else and who treat it like a lobby game.
WoW is going to have to slowly build back up the populace of people who actually like WoW outside of instances and LFG, it’d help if there were venues for group interaction outside of these like other MMORPGs have like FF with its casinos, Nightclubs, etc…
The problem is time and resources, it takes FAR less time and effort to tear something down (in this case WoW’s prestige and former community) than it takes to build something up… they spent like 3 or more expansions turning WoW into an E-sports lobby game, it’ll take that or longer for the community to even half way recuperate.
Yep. Completely dead. I logged in today and there was nobody on, every dungeon was wrapped in caution tape and said “closed until further notice.”
Am sad.
yes, the soul of the game is dead
WoW being the top played MMO is like Elden Ring being the top played soulslike…
There’s no real competition.
It’s irrelevant to compare it to other MMO’s because they’re all dead and it’s a dead genre.
My server or cluster or whatever they call them seems full nearly all of the time. Hunts, soups, rares, academy, citadel, always full of people. And Val always looks like an Italian beach, folks everywhere.
Maybe it’s just your server?
It’s not the kingpin it once was.
Dragonflight sales were less than SL which does not mean the expansion is bad, or the game is dead, but that the playerbase has ultimately decreased and overall sentiment points to players being dissatisfied with the design and story of the game.
Grand scheme of things it’s still pretty popular and if you aren’t looking for anything specific (like high end M+, raiding, pvp, etc) the game is likely a good bang for your buck. I think more and more people play MMOs casually these days and most don’t play to socially interact which can make the game feel dead.
Sorry, but most players can not switch what toon they are posting on, because it has been broken forever. Like this toon, i have been leveling it since Tuesday just by mining , i am level 68, and it will probably never update.
I can not switch toons to post on for over a year now.
WoW isn’t dead. It’s just that everyone is in different places with the game. Some play Classic, some player Season of Mastery, leveling their 50th alt, working on some old achievements/mog/toy/pet/mount, etc.
That’s great for Blizzard or content creators, but it’s kind of for building consistent communities.
What you need to do with WoW is find your niche and enjoy it. If a thriving in game community is your thing, you’re going to need to go out of your way to work on it. Join discord servers and do your in game homework.
What do you do when you get bored? Find something else to do.
If you’re not having fun, go play a different game. Stop obsessing over what other people enjoy.
Classic has sharding/phasing I know for a fact. A friend and I decided to level together on wrath classic and unable to see each other. We’re same lvl,faction and server but unless we group up and wonder further out into open world I won;t see him.
All i can assume then is that classic is more popular in that case!
Yeah. Most dead games have login queues for their high pop servers.
Forced according to what factual evidence other than your moronic ranting? Just quit game and go away
You didnt answer the question.