Is WoW actually dead?

Despite all the hype the usual WoW youtubers are putting out and the handful of forced community events…the world feels empty. I sit in group finder for ages and some days can’t even find people to fill a group. Even at these community events like the hunts and soup, the first few months they had people at them but now I go to them and I see maybe 3-5.

I know some people are already maxed out on renown by now but surely it can’t be the vast majority of players have hit that mark and just stopped doing any of the content.

Edit: No not posting on an alt to troll…for some dumb reason the only toons that show up when I ‘change character’ are my classic toons (which I don’t play classic…)


Considering it’s either the top or 2nd biggest subscription mmo, I don’t think so.





says who? Blizzard hides their numbers, we have no clue how many people actually play. I look down my Bnet list and the vast majority are playing other games or idle in the menu. Some have not been on in months or years.


Yes WoW is dead and none of us are really here…

Just kidding of course. But anyway, a population decrease isn’t the same thing as the game being anywhere near dead. Lots of games go on forever and ever with just a small band of loyal followers. :slightly_smiling_face:


If it was dead the servers would be offline. So long as they are live people will still play it.

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We’re all dead in a simulation.


Retail is likely at a low point what with where we are in the patch cycle.

Classic still seems to be hopping, which isn’t that much of a surprise, considering the part of the cycle that side is at.

I really would like to see the time played distribution per sub re: classic v. retail. Doubt we’ll ever see that, but I’d imagine they kind of switch. One rises, one falls, kind of thing based on the release schedules.

I have noticed on my server it’s really busy on Tuesdays after reset (and all day) and Friday evening after the new quests drop.

So Tuesday and Wednesday will be busy, Thursday is a ghost town, Friday DAY will be dead, Friday evening and Saturday will be busy, then Sunday and Monday are dead again.

What few players are on during “off” days will do world events then sit in Valdrakken.

Just depends on the day I guess.


Yeah super dead. Prob about 29 players left worldwide.

Just the other day I went to Un’Goro Crater, landed in a tree, didn’t see anybody. Logged off, because game is dead. Unfortunate, we had a good run.


True, but going off the number of streamers/viewers, google searches, and stats involving the total mythic+ keys and raid logs done, the game easily has prolly 2-3mil subs.


I’m on a low pop server and I see people everywhere. The group soup is chaotic, there are always people in Valdraken and usually a few people involved in a hunt, depending on the time of day.

Only time it’s low is early morning my time, but I’m on East coast and server is west coast so it’s not a surprise (and in some ways a benefit).

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First world view =/= actual reality.

Maybe you have a group of friends who have ADHD or, or I don’t know, aren’t addicted to WoW and can find enjoyment with their time doing a myriad of other things.

You do have to consider we’re nearing the end of the initial patch of Dragonflight. Most people have likely experienced everything they wanted to experience in Season 1, and are either working on alts or playing other things.

I’m at the point there’s no real reason to do world content anymore outside of grinding rep which…I’m not horribly inclined to do.

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This sometimes clears up by logging out and back in.

I don’t think WoW is dead, but it has felt emptier the past couple weeks. Not exactly sure why. I bet a lot of people have run out of stuff to do, maxed their reps, got geared enough to just raid log. Some are probably bored. I’m far from done with the current content but I am bored or burned out on it. Not sure if Terfy McWizardgame has pulled some others away or not. Don’t really pay enough attention to know what other games are popular right now. My guess is people will be back for the first real content patch.

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I’ve seen people proclaim WoW being dead (dying or soon to die…) about 1,000 times.

The cause being everything from other MMOs to being out rolled by someone else in a group.

Many players went into The Maw, most didn’t come out again.


Define dead.

  • Have active subs enough to pay for it’s development? No it’s not dead.

  • Getting updates and new content? No it’s not dead.

  • Getting new players to join and sub? WoW has been dead for quite a while.


The world can feel empty at times.

Primalist future event was up a few days back, so I went over to participate and didn’t see a single player anywhere. I know I can use group finder and join a group to complete, it was just odd seeing it completely empty not that long after it was introduced into the game.

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Not being a doom-and-gloomer, and granted, I’m still in the early areas of DF, but I will say this is the least populated expansion in the areas I’m leveling up in that I’ve ever experienced.