I was a brand new player in 9.0 and have stuck around and gotten better. I’ve met a few others along the way. We’re here.
Depends on what you mean by dead. Because im sure active monthly users is high. WoW is a big game, folks are prob doing instaced content either farming stuff. Lvling or just chilling in the citys.
Wow died when they let people control a single character and not a whole civ.
Some dude up-thread had a pretty good breakdown. By active monthly users, it’s doing all right. Fifteen bucks a month times a couple million users is a decent chunk of revenue. But if you compare it to the peak during Wrath, yeah, it’s a ghost town.
Me, I think that it’s better than it could be, but also not as good as it could be. The old buzzard’s got a few years left in it yet.
Its doing fine more then likely. I dont think they will ever have the numbers of wrath/ staŕt of WoD ever again though.
Hype is not real. It is a marketing technique to increase interest in a product that doesn’t exist yet. And in fact, in most zones in the game (including older expansions) and on any but mega (lag) realms you see no one. Hype doesn’t change a players experience leveling in the world alone.
how many subscription mmos are out there? like 2?
Being on a low pop server has nothing to do with seeing many people around you. Many zones events etc… are cross realm with a dozen or so servers
What if we are the characters and blizz is playing us???
reminded me of rich campbell’s mental breakdown about boby kotic’s maze.
id link a neat vidya but im afraid to get suspended since theres spicy language lol
Yeah if you are sour on the devs or ion you can get banned pretty easy. They don’t exactly have thick skin.
As long as ion is Creating systems to milk subs and tokens to give old Bobby a half billion dollar handshake then he’s got a job for a while.
Which is pretty unreliable, unless your able to decipher out repeats, people who don’t play the game (Non-owners), and people who don’t play raiding, mythic+ and PvP, to figure out how many are playing.
What a great topic
Servers are up and I can log in. Not dead to meh!
It’s a video game, it was never alive.
On my server they are all packed, grouping is fast. Wow is far from dead.
yes the funeral is on saturday, its potluck so please make sure to bring a dish with you
UHH on retail? I don’t know? I am able to fill groups up pretty easy?! Even high keys, might take time but they do fill up. And if they don’t, I go tank for friends. Ezclap!
PS : OP roll a toon on Ragnaros, Quel’thalas for the luls. Very much alive, the only downside is that you might not understand what anyone’s saying.
it’s actually the most played MMORPG in existence, really.
I have played a lot of MMOs over the years, almost all of the notable ones, yet I keep finding myself back in WoW and frankly LOVING this latest expansion so much I think I and a few others play it more than ever. Events are almost always packed, but I tend to play during peak times (6 PM to 10 PM CST) the most.
Thinking back on the description of the problem I almost wonder if the OP has an odd issue with how their account zones, is there an odd flag that sends them to zones just opened up and starting to populate? I only say this as I think it was EQII that allowed you to choose what instances of zones you went to, and you could select one highly populated or ones with nearly no one in them at all. It is a wild idea, because we do not choose in WoW, but maybe what determines which instance of a zone we migrate into is glitched for them??