Is WoW actually dead?

Maybe it’s time to bring back daily WQ then, have them populate daily with the same 3.5 day spawn timer. Crazy isn’t it, that less open world content leads to a world that feels dead, who would’ve thought it.


Since we’re going purely by anecdotal evidence, every community event I’ve been to is packed and it takes me seconds to find a group for world bosses even at 4 am, so WoW is the most popular and successful mmo of all time.

So does FFXIV. Your point?

So? Oh noes. YOUR friends list is like that. Must be dead. Yet my friends list has more playing WoW than ever. Even people who have been gone for years have been back playing.

WoW isn’t dead, it has changed. The M+ people log in to do their 8 and log out. The game is so sharded that you could end up in a shard without any people at all.

I fall into this category. Was never a fan of that type of a system in SL, and Blizzard has done what some might have considered the impossible and made it worse. Not to mention how they put the final nail in the professions coffin, there is zero reason to level alts.

I’m just waiting for my sub to end.

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In before the idiots responsible for why WoW is dying say “mAkE yOuR oWn GrOuP”.


There are servers with queues.

Dead games don’t have queues.

:yawning_face: Nailed it…

And the opposite is true for others. Just because your friends list is full doesn’t mean everyone’s is.

This game isn’t dead, but as long as this current Dev team is in charge I don’t see it getting any better, they put too much focus and effort into instanced group content, so those players are having a blast. If you are an open world player, well, you don’t matter to Blizz anymore.

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Of course everyone is going to have a different experience, but the general consensus seems to be that the game is holding onto the players it has at the moment.

checks the calendar Is it time for this discussion again already?

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No it isn’t dead but close to it every morning at 4 a.m…

No, it’s not dead or dying. The realm you play on matters, as well as where you are in the world. A majority are in Valdrakken, and if you’re on Wyrmrest during peak it’s packed to the brim.

There’s tons of people raiding, doing M+, PVPing, etc. It might take a while to fill a group, sure, but there’s so much content that there’s people doing other things, and if you’re a DPS you’re a dime a dozen so you’ll very rarely have instant queues.

Thrall and Stormrage aren’t as populated as they used to be, that’s for sure.

my guardian druid is dead

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Sorry to hear that WoW might’ve killed your other mmos, friend. :dracthyr_love_animated:

I did and it took forever ,timing is important don’t do the rares that show up at 4a.m in imbu and not think it would be filled.

Depending on what you are doing mines fine doing open world content and the storms.

Yup WoW is totally, most definitely dead.

Only see a whole bunch of people in Orgrimmar, Valdrakken and the community events.


Like some others have said, the patch cycle is a likely culprit for this. No its not dead, of course, but less players for sure. New patch comes out, depending on how it is is - people come back for a couple/few weeks and do the content then log for the next major one. When a major patch hits thats when population is there. With that being said we haven’t had a major content patch this expansion yet. I would argue there is a plethora of other reasons as well just to name a few quickly here: dissatisfaction with game direction/design as a whole, Blizz getting somewhat of a bad reputation from the last expansion, dry patch cycles, and the somewhat disregard for new players to want to sink their time into this monstrosity of a game.

They’ll never stop complaining til they get their way.