Is WoW actually dead?

In almost every aspect yes, wow is dead

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I’m on Stormrage, its a high pop server and its like 95% ally, it really never feels dead here…

Only if you look at the none auto grouping content. Otherwise it’s fine. Almost like we need auto grouping content for everything…

Depends on when you’re doing these things, they are weekly quests. If you show up on tuesday/wednesday its packed. Show up on sunday and its just you and one other person.


Log out of the webpage and log back in… That is what corrected it for me.

I’m on Dalaran where there’s a decent 60/40 A:H split and people are always out and about.

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Oh man i can’t believe people are finishing the content of season 1 near the end of the season. Game is obviously dead now time to move on.

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It’s not dead but it’s not nearly as popular as it used to be.


The number of players continues to :chart_with_downwards_trend:

But it’s going to be a long time before it hits Everquest level.

It’s a shame that it burned so many bridges because Dragonflight is actually pretty good, but if you left because of SL or the scandals and found a new home somewhere else, why would you spend 50 bucks + sub to see whether they did a good job or if it’s another BFA or SL?


Ima go ahead and upset some WoW fanboys

It’s a lack of content and blizz knowing they can get away with it cause there’s ppl who wld eat dog waste if blizz sprayed wow on it. It went from “raid logging” to mythic logging now to world quest logging lol. Yeah there may be a lil something here or there to waste time on but as far as actual game play,no.

Blizz just rehashing old dungeons and just making them harder for M+. Pvp is more like alternative gameplay of WoW, it’s basically the same every xpac. Open world content has been gutted to it’s lowest I’ve seen. With so many ppl thats left WoW for good, ones who just play depending on patches/updates, sharding,phasing and war mode/non war mode WoW looks DeD.


Blizz was carried by its stellar rep for a long time, and it showed its entire a$$ with the combo of BFA, SL, and the scandals. It disrespected its customers, it disrespected its staff, it disrespected its own game.

Even now, the Blizz memes are bad games held together by a rabid fanbase and harassment jokes. It’s going to take a long time for Blizz to earn back its goodwill.


Obviously, there are ppl still playing, but from my observation, the game feels dead. Most of the previous zones are empty except maybe Pandaria, slightly Northrend. Or you’ll see ppl chilling in the main city hubs.

Sometimes I’d hang out outside of Orgimmar where the duelists are. and even that feels empty. Previous expansions that place would be popping with players dueling each other. Now it’s just sad, a few players just standing around.

If it was lively, I would see players having fun exploring the zones. Old content or not.

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not saying much when subscription based games are not only few and far between, but also an extremely old fashioned or even ANICENT form of monetization and borderline absurd to be using in 2023


Well for me personally, I couldn’t take 5 steps in war mode because alliance would make huge raids and just kill all horde in sight so I stopped playing DF and started making alliance toons so I could actually move and get to my war Cache in the future.

It’s not dead but it sure is doing a terrible job getting new players.

They need to expand free trial and let players start on the Dragon Isles if they want to. Not bfa.

Hmm, well yesterday was the first day since Dragonflight Release that my guild had to delay our raid start time because not enough people logged in at the start. Slowly, but surely, people may be dropping off again.

Blizzard also trolled the Alliance with Void Elves when Alliance wanted High Elves. Ion is that petty.

Then there was Ion wanting to remove Flight entirely since Panda Land despite no players wanting that. Then him being petty with insane Pathfinder requirements since he couldn’t get his way.

Heck, we still can’t fly in the Maw or Korthia due to Ion.


If by dead you mean pretty active outside of early morning hours, then sure.


Lmao yeah, if we really get into it the devs have been in a weird war with the playerbase since at least WoD when they randomly decided “flying bad”.

I understand some of the playerbase flat out sucks, but a lot of us also genuinely care and respect the devs. We didn’t deserve to get caught in the crosshairs.

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