Is World of Warcraft a game for old farts?

People in this thread realizing they are now considered old.


No teenager is going to log on and want to keep track of all the systems and chores they have to do before having fun

You can thank Blizzard for losing the younger audiences of this game.


30 years old IS the younger audience


Teenagers are all out playing Fortnite and Apex Legends where you jump into the action immediately. Us old people like to play games that take time. We like a little RPG in our MMORPG.


There seems to be so many first person shooters and battle royales that I can’t keep up with them all. I also don’t understand the appeal. I try watching them on Twitch and they seem boring AF to me. I genuinely don’t think I would’ve even liked them when I was 21. So, I honestly don’t know what the explanation is, except maybe cultural upbringing.

Having said that, I don’t think it’s quite as dire as it might seem on the surface. After you get past the battle royales, the highest watched games are still MMO’s and other “slower” games like Sea of Thieves
even Minecraft.

30 is young and you can tell the youngsters any where they are the jumpers in the game.


Ape leg is actually pretty good as far BR games go.

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Yeah but they are all too fast. By the time I figured out if I want something or not I have 20 holes in me.


Mentalities like this is why industries like the fashion industry along with other career pursuits are royally buggered [making models feel like crap for daring to turn any number over 25]. The 30s bracket is by no means old at all as many still perceive it as being a young adult/just adult.

Forgive the tangent but statements like that have always bugged me and adds onto the negative stigma of teenagers being annoying/dumb/disrespectful. [Which I ascertain is not always the case];That and it comes off as though a statute of limitations for enjoying a hobby somehow exists which it really doesn’t [ exhibit A: The granny who plays Skyrim and Animal Crossing] Nothing old about enjoying a genre centered around story telling and pacing yourself.


Best BR game of 2020 was Fall Guys. Change my mind.

No there are still a lot of RPGs out there they just don’t hit the main pages anymore because of the newer generation’s desire to play the twitch shooter games.

They are working on a Baldur’s Gate 3. Also check out Pillars of Eternity I and II, Divinity Original Sin I and II. I also believe they are working on another Dragon Age title.

Zoomers are all playing Fortnite, Minecraft, or Demon Hunters.


Yeah it was a pretty damn good idea. Pretty confident it was made by only a handful of people.


Bwahahaha! Demon Hunters.

M+ and heroic or better raiding is taking a toll on my old farts guild this expansion.

A lot harder to carry in m+. Bad run used to mean you’re just going to significantly miss on time but now it can be you just can’t even finish it.

And the chain to partner mechanics are absolutely brutal in raids.

 I was thinking the same. If 30+ is an Old Fart then I wish I was an Old Fart.

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What’s after old fart?

Im in my 40s and would adore a server meant for the 35 and up crowd! Or 40+ crowd! I can see it now, trade chat filled with random talk about the past, aches and pains, what we had for breakfast, and all the dirty jokes lol. And we tend to get up to a lot of mischief :joy:

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You do realize all the games you love to play was made by “old farts” so your age group doesn’t technically own the rights to these games, they’re made for everyone from the 1950 folks to the tide pod generation.

I was outta high school before this game was birthed
darn kids and their wheelie boards /shake fist