Is versatility a problem stat?

And? That wasn’t the question.


As a DK, I actually really liked multistrike

Was sad it lived for 1 xpac

I was a monk at the time and it was really good for us too. Rogues as well if I remember correctly.

It was a joke dude. Yeah sure there are specs that use mastery but there are far far more specs that don’t. Like I said before I can’t remember the last time I played a spec that used mastery as a number one stat. You brought up assassin assuming I had played it I guess?

I didn’t ask for a spec that uses it, I specifically said I can’t remember the last time I played a spec that uses it.

It’s uninteresting

They could probably replace it with something better and role specific to inject some spice into gearing again


You get more damage from switching specs lol

That’s what I mean by a problem stat. Fire and frost mages get excited about crit and haste because it affect their gameplay. Shadow priests and warlocks get excited about haste because it speeds up their gameplay and resource gem. Vers is awful precisely because it doesnt provide gameplay interaction.


How is one stat more boring than another? I’ll just have a number I need. Whether it’s resilience, pvp power, or versatility. They’re just numbers I need more of. Idk how they can be more stimulating than that.

Lol he actually is assassin.

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if they get rid of vers they gotta give us pvp power or resilience back

Because they affect how your character plays… high levels of crit improves a fire mages gameplay. High levels of haste speed up shard gen for demo locks. It’s not just a number for a lot of classes.



I mean its still just a number. they look at the stat priority for their class and stack the 2 best ones

That was true in cata. Nowadays mastery is the worst stat for Assassination according to Icy Veins. I guess they could be wrong.

Mastery directly influences some abilities. It’s a nice idea but rarely used in most specs.

And you’d get more damage from actually leveling your character. Don’t tell other people what to do.

I get that. But how would deleting one stat and replacing it change anything? You’re still going to have a stat that’s best. And you need the most of that number. That’s the system. What stat it is is arbitrary. It never gets more stimulating. Every class I have to figure out which number is my best and I get the most of that. They’re all the same in that aspect.

Maybe it’s an alt character or something but he also has no enchants or gems so I don’t think he thinks mastery is that important after all.

Ok? So you’re saying a class feeling better to play is meaningless. That’s awfully pedantic

I think aff has it in top 2 still. Haste and mastery.